Why was there an increase in Racism during the 1920's


Traditional Intolerance (Chafe)

Chafe- Historian- America controlled by WASP's- White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

Believed most Americans traditionally intolerant , don't put up with people who are different, however yet most of the time they can keep this under control (supressed feelings)

Sometimes these feelings come out, belieed it came from 'seasonal allergies'

Felling come out during rapid social change, often they were used as scape goats for problems

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Immigration (mass)

8 million people- South and East Europe, thus language barrier as do not speak English.

Because they spoke in their own language, they could not mix with others- assimilate

Crevecoeur- 'Melting Pot' this no longer existed

Cheap labour casued arguments

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Russian Revolution


Immigrants might be communist- Comintern

Emergence of red scare

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5 million members in 1925

DC Stephenson- 'Grand Dragon' of Indiana

1925- known as the future president

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The War

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Government Policies

Anti-Immigration acts

Pressure placed on them by the KKK

Government right-wing and can be argued to be racist

Hoover instructed people not to hire Afican Americans due to them haing low mental order

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Calvin Coolidge

'American must be kept American'

1929- could not be Asian and move to America

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Influence of Scientific Racists- e.g. Madison Gran

Charles Darwin- 'Origin of Species'- 1860's - Galapagos Islands- Tortoises

'Survivial of the fittest'- the one with the longest neck

Countries that adapt will survive- 'If we don't keep ourseles fit we will die'- thus race and blood must be kept pure (social darwinism)

'If America does not do anything about blacks, immigrants, mentally and physically disabled, etc, it will die'

His book was called 'The Passing of the Great Race' and Hitler refered to it as his bible

Grant was the president of the anti-immigration league

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