What are the problems with rapid urbanisation in the poorer parts of the world

This is where we will look at the problems of urbanisation facing the parts of the world.


Rapid Industrialisation

The fact that industries can grow really quickly maens that the way in which they work are not monitored regularly, because this is the case there are often accidents that happen in the workplace for example the:

Accident at Bhopal:1984

This accident happened because the workplace wasn't  properly monitored due to the fact that the indusry there was growing fast. 3000 people were killed due to the fact that gases leaked out of the chemical plants poisoning a lot of people, who then died as a result.

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Creation of electronic waste

In poorer countries such as India there are a lot of electronics such as computers, ipods and mobile phones are imported to other countries every year. Infact there are 4.5 million computers that are imported every year. As well as new computers, second-hand ones are imported as well. They take out all the valuable parts such as platinum and gold that are put in to computers to make them work. the rest of it they discard as waste which they burn, crush ir boil depending on the different plants. This is very bad for peoples health as it releases chemical toxins.

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