What Are Mega Citys?


What Are Mega Citys?

Mega City: cities with over 10 million residents. * Urban Dweller - a person that lives in an urban area

Examples Of Mega Cities:

Tokyo, Japan - 38 Million

Delhi, India - 26 Million

Shanghai, China - 24 Million

Sao Paulo, Brazil - 21 Million 

Mumbai, India - 21 Million

The size of urban areas across the world is growing in terms of both physical area and number of people (urbanisation). Just over half of the world's population now live in urban area, and this percentage is set to increase further. Cities in newly industrialised countires (NICS) are growing at a particually fast rate. 

The distribution of the largest mega cities is overwhelmingly in Asia. Europe does not even appear in the top ten mega cities as they tend to be more frequent in NICs. In the future, it is expected that both China and India will continue to have a greater number of mega cities, which is not  a suprise as these countiries have the largest populations in the world. Nigera is also projected to add a further 212 million urban dwellers by 2050.

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