Weimar - History AS

Weimar Republic up to the Nazi takeover 1933

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 30-05-08 13:46

Three Phases of the Weimar Constitution

Set up in 1919, the Weimar Government went through three key stages before it's downfall

#1919 - 1923 problematic, people didn't like the government and disagreed with the conditions and laws

#1923 - 1929prosperous, problems settled down, people began respecting the government more

# 1929 - 1933 the republic finally fell apart due to opposition and pressure.

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Why Did Hitler Come To Power 1933?

- Long term bitterness about Versailles

- Ineffective Weimar Constitution

- Money from wealthy businessmen

- Strength of propaganda

- Programme appealed to all, inclusive

- Attack and suppression of opposition parties

- Ability to exploit the economic depression

- Recruited by Hindenberg

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How Did the NSDAP Control the German People?

= One Party State

= Terror

= Propaganda

= Youth

= Workforce

= Religion

= Racism

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How Did Hitler Reorganise the Party 1924-1928?

> Set up fanatical personal bodyguards (**)

> Took over right wing parties

> Set up Hitler Youth

> Goebbels developed propaganda

> Gained the support of wealthy businessmen
(Businessmen saw Hitler as a safeguard against Communism)

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Causes of Weimar's Problems

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