Weimar Germany-Treaty of Versailles Edexcel History unit 2A

what the title says :)


Key Words/Points


  • G- guilt
  • A- armed forces
  • R- reparations
  • G- German territory lost
  • L- League of Nations
  • E- extra information
  • Article 231
  • £6.6 billion
  • Dolchstoss-Novemeber Criminals
  • Diktat
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1. By article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles, Germanywas to accept all blame for the war-causing all loss and damage.

2. The armed forced were restricted to:
-100, 000 volunteered soldiers in the army.
- no airforce
- no submarines
-only 6 battleships allowed.
-The Rhineland was to be demilitarised.

3. Germany was to pay for all damage-which was eventually set at £6.6 billion which had to be paid in installments until 1984.

4.-The Alsace Lorraine was returned to France.
   - Malmedy was given to Belgium.
   - West Prussia (including the Polish Corridor) & Upper Silesia was given to Poland.
   - Germany's entire empire was lost, as well as 12% of her population.
   - 48% iron industry and 16% coal industry was lost.

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Terms 2

5. The League of Nations was set up as an international forum in order to settle disputes by discussion instead of war. Germany was not allowed to be part of it.

6. An Anchluss was forbidden between German and Austria (a union).

7.  Estonia, Latvia and Lithuainia were made independent states.

8. The powers that set up the T of V were:
  - Orlando-the Italian Prime Minister.
  - David Lloyd George- British Prime Minister.
  - Woodrow Wilson- USA president
  -Clemenceau- french prime minister.

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Effects 1

1. People felt it was a 'diktat'- a dictated peace.

2.  The Government officials who signed the treaty were named as the 'November Criminals"

3. The signing of the Treaty was also described as the 'Dolchstoss'-stab in the back.

4. None of the public liked the new Weimar government and felt betrayed.

5. German economy was damaged and the nation was thrown into poverty.

6. They were now defenceless-their army was nowhere near big enough to ever defend.

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Effects 2

7. They didn't really have any rights.

8. The public felt it was cruel, unfair and harsh-they wanted revenge,

9. The popularity of the new government weakened severely.

10. It caused lasting political protest.

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