Weimar Constitution


Weimar Constitution

  • Before the war Germany had no real democracy.
  • The Kaiser was virtually a dictator
  • Thei Weimar constitution, on the other hand, attempted to se tup probably the most democratic system in the world where no individual could gain too much power
  • All Germans over the age of 20 could vote.
  • There was a system of proportional representation - if a party gained 20% of the votes they gained 20 seat in the Reichstag
  • The chancellor was reponsible for the day-to-day government but he needed support of half the Reichstag
  • The head of State was the President. The president stayed out of day-to-day government
  • In a crisis he could rule the country directly through article 48 of the constitution. This gave him emergency powers which meant he did not need to consult the Reichstag
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Weimar Constitution

  • Before the war Germany had no real democracy.
  • The Kaiser was virtually a dictator
  • Thei Weimar constitution, on the other hand, attempted to se tup probably the most democratic system in the world where no individual could gain too much power
  • All Germans over the age of 20 could vote.
  • There was a system of proportional representation - if a party gained 20% of the votes they gained 20 seat in the Reichstag
  • The chancellor was reponsible for the day-to-day government but he needed support of half the Reichstag
  • The head of State was the President. The president stayed out of day-to-day government
  • In a crisis he could rule the country directly through article 48 of the constitution. This gave him emergency powers which meant he did not need to consult the Reichstag
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