Weimar Germany

  • Created by: ellxe
  • Created on: 19-05-16 15:13


  • When Germany lost WW1 they were told they had to be democratic
  • The kaiser refused so people staged a revolution
  • On the 9th November the Kaiser abdicated
  • Meetings were held in Weimar because Berlin was destroyed
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The Constitution

  • They had a way of voting called proportional representation
  • Strengths included: Men and women could vote, One person doesnt make all the decisions, Freedom of speech, Election is fair
  • Weaknesses included: In an emergency the president makes all the decisions, The president chose the chancellor, A strong government was unlikely
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Early problems...

  • Shortage of food and fuel, and a flu virus killed thousands
  • It was unpopular as Germans were hurt when they surrendered
  • The spartacus leauge had a uprising, but Karl Libenecht and Rosa Luxemborg were executed
  • Rich people didnt like it
  • Treaty of Versailles hit Germany hard. LAMB!
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  • Occupation of the Rhur... French and Belgian troops invaded the Rhur in January 23 when Germany didnt pay reparations. The workers were told to go on strikes and were promised payment. Over 100 strikers were killed and 150k forced to leave.
  • Hyperinflation... When strikers were promised to be paid, the government had to print more money meaning prices went up. People were spending their life savings on bread!
  • The Munich Putsch... Hitler thought the republic was on the brink of collapse so tried to sieze control of Germany. On the 8th November the nazis broke up a meeting in a beer hall and were unsucessful.
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Munich Putsch

  • Success: Gained publicity, Only a short sentence, Made Hitler realise he would win through elections and reorganised the Nazi party, Wrote a book.
  • Failure: Didnt get nazis into power, Showed they didnt have much support, 16 nazis were killed,  Nazi party and newspaper in Munich were banned.
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Weimar recovery


  • Success: New currency to stop hyperinflation, borrowed money from other countries, they negotiated that reparations could be payed slower, businesses and industries did well.
  • Failure: Farmers lost out, depended on money that could be withdrawn at any time, small shopkeepers were threatened, middle classes lost out


  • Sucess: No attempts to overthrow, radical parties didnt do well
  • Failure: Radicals built up campaigns, Hindenberg didnt like democracy
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Weimar republic part 2


  • Success: freedom of spech, poets writers and artists e.g. 120 newspapers and 40 theatres in Berlin alone
  • Failure: Some people thought new culture meant moral decline. Wandervogel group set up to oppose new culture


  • Success: Locarno treaty, League of nations, negotiated TofV through young plan
  • Failure: These plans made people think they were accepting the TofV too easily
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