Weather and Climate

  • Created by: alisai1
  • Created on: 27-02-21 18:03

Weather and Climate

0 degrees latitude and longirtude is Equator and Prime Meridian. Weather is the day to day changes in the atmosphere and climate is the average weather conditions for a given area. The weather occurs in the lower layer of the atmosphere, the tropsphere. The atmosphere is the mesosphere and the thermosphere. Altitude is the distance of the different layers.

Relief is the height of land on a map. Anemometer(wind speed), Barometer(air pressure), Rain Gauge(rain), Sunlight meter,(sunlight), Weather Vane(wind direction), Thermometer(temperature).

We measure cloud cover by using oktas. 3 ways of showing height on a map: Colour Shading, Contour Lines and Spot height. The greenhouse effect is where the greenhouse gases(02) trap the sun's energy the atmosphere, warming the planet. The natural causes of climate change are volcanic eruptions, solar activity and the earth's changing orbit.

Extent means to form and express a view. Migitation means to stop or reduce affects and adaption means to adapt to changes. Examples of migitation are: Carbon Capture and Planting trees and examples of adaption are: Changes in the argicultural systems and managing water supplies. 

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Weather and Climate #2

Transpiration: Plants and trees also 'breathe out' water vapour, through tiny holes in their leaves.

Evaporation: The sun warms oceans, lakes and seas, turning water into water vapour.

Ground Water: Some water soaks right down and fills up the pores and cracks in the rock.

Surface Water: If the ground is hard, or very wet, rainwater just runs along it.

Condensation: The air rises, high up, where it is cooler, the water vapour then turns into tiny water droplets, These form clouds.

Hydrology: The study of water.

Precipitation: The water droplets fall as rain (or hail, sleet and snow).

Relief rainfall: Warm air travels up the hill, then the air cools, which makes condensation, forming a cloud, Windward slope, wet and Leeward slope,dry.

Convectional rainfall: The heat from the sun hits the surface which brings warm air, which travels up, turing into cold air forming a cloud.

Frontal rainfall: Warm air mass and Cold air mass join together and as the cold air mass is heavier the warm air mass travels up, making cold air, forming a cloud.

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Weather and Climate #3

Cumulus: Heap, Small amounts of precipitation.

Stratus: Layer, Drizzle

Cirrus: Curl of hair: Bad Weather

Nimbus: Rain, Thunderstorm.

A meteorologist is someone who studies the weather. An air mass is a large body of air which has the same air of which has the same temperature and humidity over the entire area.

4 main characteristics: Hot/Cold, Dry/Moisture. Synoptic Charts show air pressure and look like contour lines. The lines are called Isobars and connect equal points of equal pressure and never cross.

Microclimate is a climate for a small area. Microclimate factors are: Aspect, Buildings, Surface, Shelter and Physical Features.

Primary Data: Data collected yourself.

Secondary Data: Data collected by someone else.

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Weather and Climate #4

Frontal rainfall: Warm air mass and Cold air mass join together and as the cold air mass is heavier the warm air mass travels up, making cold air, forming a cloud.

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