War and the transformation of British society 1903-28 - Exam questions structure

Exam questions structure.

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 21-04-12 12:47

Exam question structure

Question 1:

INFERENCE question: (6 Marks) - Should take 8 minutes.

  • 1/2 paragraphs
  • Make two inferences (the message).
  • What does the author of the source want you to think about the event?

Start sentence with: The source suggests....

Then state what your inference is and support with a quote from the source.

This X2 = 6 marks.


I can learn from the source that.. (inference)

I know this because.... (Use quote) X2 to get full marks.

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Exam question structure

Question 2:

An source analysis question (8 marks) - Should take 10 minutes.

It is a PURPOSE OF THE SOURCE question.

Why was the source produced?

What is the source trying to acheive? what is the mesage it is trying to get across?

Include quotes.


The purpose of the source is...

I know this because the source shows...

Give some context...

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Exam question structure

Question 3: CROSS REFERENCE question using 3 sources. (10) - 15 Minutes

9-10 Marks = Discuss similarities and differences between 3 sources and talk about how reliable they are and make a judgement on how far they agree.

The question will be worked in one of two ways:

  • How far do sources A and B support the evidence in source C about...?
  • How far do sources A, B and C agree that....?


  • The similarities and differences between A and B
  • The similarities and differences between A and C
  • The similarities and differences between B and C
  • Source A is/isn't reliable because...
  • Source B is/isn't reliable because...
  • Source C is/isn't reliable because...
  • Therefore... (agree/disagree)...
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Exam question structure

Question 4: UTILITY OR RELIABLITY question: (10) - 15 minutes

Utility = What is useful about each of the sources.

Reliability = Deciding how far you can trust the sources.

  • Source ... is useful/reliable because...
  • Own knowledge...
  • However it is also not useful/reliable because..
  • Source ... is useful/reliable because...
  • Own knowledge...
  • However it is also not useful/reliable because...
  • Therefore (State which one is more useful/reliable and why...)
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Exam question structure

Question 5: JUDGMENT question: (16 Marks) - 25 Minutes

  • Choose two sources that agree with the statement in the question, give evidence from the sources and give a judgement on the reliability/unreliabilty of the sources that used.
  • Choose two sources that do not agree with the statement in the question, give evidence from the sources and give a judgement on the reliability/unreliabilty of the souces used.
  • Conclusion: Begin with the word 'Overall'.  Write a conclusion that answers how far you agree with the statement and why based on the sufficiency of the evidence given in the sources and their reliability.

- Sources A, B and C support the statement... because.. Explain A, B and C seperatley about what they suggest,evidence and reliabilty.

- Sources E,D and F does not support the statment... because... Explain A, B and C seperatley about what they suggest, evidence and reliabilty.

-  Overall.. I agree/disagree with the statment.. because.. summarise sources.

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