Video games and aggression


Experiemental studies

  • lab studies have shown that the short term playing of video games increases physiological aurosal, hostile feelings and aggressive behaviour
  • aurosal is measure through b/p and heart rate
  • hostility is measured through a self report
  • ethical grounds state that it is hard to measure aggression
  • other studies have used a blast of white noise that p's are allowed to fire at their opponents
  • this has showed that the p's who blasted highest rated high on the hostility scale
  • a strenght to experiemntal studied is that it can determine a casual relationship between video games and aggression
  • however this can not be applied to the real world as they can't like p's become physically voilent
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Correlational studies

  • surveys are used to identify patterns
  • Gentile and Andersoj (2003) conducted a study using over 600 teenagers
  • they found that time playing voilent gamnes was accosicated with hostile feelings
  • an issue with a correlatin study is that they can't identify casual links between the factors
  • however they can use 'real-world' measures as they can't relate to real world exposure to voilence through the media
  • they can also measure long term effects rather than short term like lab experiments
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Longtitudinal studies

  • long term effects of video game studies are rare
  • Ihori et al (2003) studied 800 Japenese 9-10 year olds twice in a school year
  • the first time they were studied it was found that game play signifcantly related to aggressive beahvuour
  • but aggressive behaviour did not relate to game play
  • other studies have shown that it can have an effect on pro-social behaviour
  • as they study over long periods of time they can measure long term and short term effects
  • however there may be other factors which can influence this, such as exposure to other media such as tv
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  • studies have found that it can effect both adults and children
  • studies have shown a consistent link between voilent game play and aggressive behaviour
  • more recent studies have shown that there is a greater effect
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Methodological limitations

  • Publication bias: many studies that are published may only show the negative aspects of game play as many studies that are not published have shown no correlation
  • Voilent or non-voilent: there is not set standards to say what is voilent or what is not voilent. it is hard to generalise some results as they may be out dated as games are always changing. the only way to identitfy would be through the age rating on a game
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