Urinary System


Renal Disease - Acute

Description: Disorder of the kidneys, kidneys use 20% cardiac output for filtering and urine production. 

Causes: Ethelene glycol, leptospirosis, IV gentamicin, sepsis, diabetes, hypovolaemia, hypoalbuminaemia, deep anaesthesia, low BP

Clinical Signs: V++, anorexia, lethargy, dehydration, uraemia, anuria/ oliguria, renal pain/ renomegaly (swollen kidney). 

Diagnosis: Blood test (azotaemia = high serum urea), urinalysis, (high Na+, casts, high PH, proteinuria, glucosuria), US.

Treatment: IVFT, Diuretics (Frusemide, mamitol), anti-emetics

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Renal Disease - Chronic

Description: Gradually progresses, clinical signs appear after 75% loss of function

Causes: Chronic nephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, nephrotoxins, hydronephrosis, chronic glomerulonephritis, renal lymphomsarcoma

Clinical Signs: Anorexia, inappetance, V++, PU, PD, D++, Pale MM, oral ulceration, halitosis, depression, low kidney function.

Diagnosis: Biochemistry, Azotaemia, hyperphosphataemia, hypokalaemia, urinalysis, low USG, proteinuria

Management: Maintain hydration, renal diets, phosphate binders (renalzin), benazpril (fortekor)

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Renal Disease - Nephrons

Nephrotic Syndrome:

  • Genetic, end stage disease
  • Breakdown of filtration process- proteinuria, hypoalbuminuria, oedema.
  • Management: protein rich diet, anabolic steriods, plasma expanders


  • Kidney bacterial infection (rare)
  • Clinical Signs: pyrexia, lethargy, depression, inappetance, renal pain.
  • Treatment: ABs (fluoroquinolones/ cephalosporins


  • Swelling and distention of kidney because urethral obstruction
  • Causes: ligation during Sx, neoplasia, uroliths, narrowing and scarring
  • Clinical signs: renal failure
  • Treatment: nephrectomy or removal of obstruction
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Renal Disease - Nephrons cont.

Polycystic kidney disease:

  • Common in persion and exotic breeds/ hereditary
  • Fluid filled cysts
  • Diagnosis: screening via US, blood tests
  • Clinical Signs: CRF

Renal Neoplasia:

  • Kidney cancers - renal lymphoma and renal cell carcinoma
  • Clinical Signs: Renal failure, swollen and painful kidneys
  • Treatment: supportive or chemo
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Renal Disease - Ectopic ureters

Description: ureter enters bladder caudal to bladder sphincter, urine produced bypasses bladder.

Causes: damage during spays

Clinical Signs: urinary incontinence

Diagnosis: Urography (contrast medium xray) = if not stored in bladder, bypass present

Treatment: Surgical relocation of ureters

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Renal Disease - Bladder

Urolithiasis/ FLUTD (Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease):

  • Description: uroliths form by change in PH/ bacterial infection/ stress
  • Causes: uroliths, indwelling catheters, diabetes mellitus, neoplasia
  • Clinical Signs: cystitis, oliguria, dysuria, haematuria, depression, urinary tenesmus
  • Diagnosis: Urinalysis
  • Treatment: Dietary manipulation, oral therapy (allopurinol), anti inflammatories, antibiotics

Urethral obstruction:

  • Causes: Calculi (stone)
  • Clincial Signs: anuria, dysuria, pain, depression, lethargy, shock, collapse
  • Diagnosis: presentation, palpation of the bladder, radiography, bloods
  • Treatment: Cystocentesis, catheterisation (retrograde hydropulsion), cystotomy
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Renal Disease - Bladder cont.

Bladder Neoplasia:

  • Transitional Cell Carcinoma
  • Clinical Signs: cystitis
  • Diagnosis: urinalysis, radiography w/ contrast

Urinary Incontinence:

  • Cause: sphincter mechanism incompetance (SMI), cystitis, detrusor muscle atrophy, neutogenic, nerve damage, ectopic ureters


  • Cause: lower oestrogen in blood = deterioration in urethral closure
  • manage by oestrogen subs (Urilin and propalin
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