Unseen Extract

Camera Movement 

  • Created by: neelam
  • Created on: 01-05-12 18:18

Camera Movement

Pan - Where the camera pivots horizontally, either from the left to right or right to left. 

This gives the viewers a panoramic view, which is sometimes used to establish a scene. 

Track (dollying - Where the camera follows the subject/object. This type of movement includes smooth movements forwards, backwards or along the side of the subject. 

Crane - Camera being put on a crane, which moves upwards. This is sometimes used to signify the end of a scene. 

Steadicam - Camera mount which makes the movement more fluid, as the camera is handheld or strapped to the operator. 

Tilt - When the camera pivots vertically (otherwise similar to pan).

Zoom - The change of image size, as the zoom lens appears to be moving

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closer to or further away from the image/object 

Creates a dramatic effect on the viewer and builds up tension.

Hand held camera - Camera is held manually without being fixed on the operator, tripod or dolly. 

Irregular movement signifying 'Point of View' placing the viewer in the characters shoes. 

Shot - reverse - shot - Alternating shots of two characters in a dialogue sequence. 

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Shot Types

Close up - A shot framing the head from the neck upwards, sometimes with part of the shoulders. 

This shot is often used to show emotions of a character, or can also be a shot of an object that reveals detail. 

Extreme close up shot - A shot where a part of a face or a body of a character fills the whole frame. 

Zoomed in to an extent that the viewer is not able to recognise what it is. 

Medium shot - The framing of a subject from waist upwards. 

Emphasises the expression on the persons face, and shows the viewer what the person is wearing. 

Establishing shot - A shot that establishes a scene, this is often a wide/long shot and usually appears at the beginning of the scene.

This type of shot often gives the viewer information about where a scene

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is set. 

Aerail shot - A camera shot taken from an overhead position, often used as an establishing shot.

Two shot - A shot of two characters, possibly a conversation showing some sort of relationship. 

Puts the viewers in the characters perspective. 

Point of view shot - Showing a view from the subject's perspective. 

Makes the viewers aware of whose point of view it is. 

Over the shoulder shot - Looking from behind a character's shoulder, at a subject.

Overhead shoulder - The camera is positioned about the character's action or object that's being filmed.

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Reaction shot - A shot that shows reaction of a character, either to another character or an event within the sequence. 

Wide angle shot - A shot taking in much or all of the action. 

Enables the viewers to see the background scenery/setting. 

Long shot/Full shot - Usually shows the entire human figure, from above the head to below the feet. 

Extreme long shot - A shot showing the scene from a greater distance. 

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Camera Angles

High angle - A camera angle that looks down upon a subject or an object.

Viewer appears to see the subject or object as inferior. 

Low angle - A camera angle that looks up at the subject or object. 

Viewer appears to see the subject or object as superior, as it appears small and vulnerable. 

Canted framing - Make the shot appear to be tilted to the side. 

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Diegetic sound - Sound that can be heard on screen by the characters within a scene. 

Non - diegetic sound - sound that the characters cannot hear on screen. This is the extra sound which has been added on screen such as a musical sound track. 

Sound effect - A sound that is produced to present an action on screen (thunder, door closing). 

Sound bridge - When the sound from one scene carries over to the next, providing link between the two. 

Sound motif - A sound effect or combination of sound effects that associate with a  particular character, setting, situation or idea. 

Dialogue - The words spoken by the characters on screen. 

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Voiceover - A narrator speaks over the action happening on screen. 

Sound perspective - How close the viewer appears to the diegetic sound. The sounds which are emphasised in some way to associate the viewers with a character or action. 

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Continuity editing - Creates action that flows smoothly across shots and scenes without jarring the viewer. Creates a sense of reality and time moving forward. (Do not notice when shots change).  

Discontinuity editing - Creates emotional imapact though the edtiting together of shots. Consistant movement jars the viewer

Jump cut - Cutting before an action is fully complete.

Cross cutting - Cutting back and forth quickly between two or more lines of action, indicating they are happen simultaneously. 

Freeze frame - Where the editior holds the single frame for longer than usua, perhaps for a voiceover or to focus on the character or action. 

Eyeline match - The cut showing where the character is looking. To focus on the characters perspective. 

Flashback - A scene or moment in a film in which the audience is shown an event 

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that happened earlier in the films narrative. 

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good :)

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