Unit 10.3 J3 Worship and Celebration revision cards

This is a sort of detailed overview of all of Worship and Celebration. Please enjoy and tell me what you think :)


Key Words- 1.

1. Absolution- through the action of the priest, God grants pardon and peace.

2. Chrism- the oil used in baptism, confirmation and ordination.

3. Commemoration- the belief that the Eucharist is simply a rememberance of the Last Supper.

4. Contrition- sorrow for the sin commited and deciding not to do it again.

5. Holy Week- the week before Easter Sunday.

6. Liturgy of the Eucharist- the re-enactment of the Last Supper during which the bread and wine are transubstantiated.

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Key Words- 2.

7. Liturgy of the Word- the Bible readings in the second part of Mass.

8. Penance- an action to show your contrition.

9. Penitential Rite- the confession and absolution at the beginning of Mass.

10. Rite of Communion-recieving the Body and Blood of Jesus.

11. Sacrament-an outward sign through which invisible grace is given to a person by Jesus.

12. Transubstantiation-the belief that the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus.

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  • Comes from a Greek word meaning to dip, wash or bathe-the old life is washed away and new one entered.
  • You become part of the Church.
  • Original sin is washed away.


  • Original sin being washed away allows a better chance of salvation.
  • Without it, Catholics cannot recieve the other sacraments-Catechism says this.
  • The Catechism says that baptism is necessary for salvation so one can enter heaven.
  • A person is officially accepted as a Catholic Christian.
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  • It is the final sacrament of initiation.
  • It joins Catholics closely to the Church so they learn to live in a way the Church teaches.
  • The confirmee renews their baptisma vows for themselves and make a public declaration of faith.


  • This makes the confirmee a full member of the Church.
  • In baptism, the confirmee's parents and godparents made the promised for them but it is an opportunity for the individual to declare his belief.
  • A gift from the Holy Spirit is recieved which gives strength to develop faith and live the Christian life.
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  • This is allows someone to recognise their faults and how they have separated themselves from God and need forgiveness.
  • Recieving this at least once a year is required by the Church.
  • Advice is given on how to avoid temptation and comitting the sin again.


  • It allows the penitent to strengthen their relationship with God.
  • The gift of grace given allows the penitent to live a better Christian life.
  • This allows the penitent to be reconciled with the community too in a public declaration of absolution.
  • This allows the penitent to recieve the Eucharist so they can recieve salvation and enter heaven.
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Anointing of the Sick.


  • This is for people in danger of death, to strengthen them.
  • It helps a person deal with their illness and prepare very ill people for death.
  • Gives spiritual strength and healing or restoration to health if such is God's will.
  • It reminds the sick person and community that the Church can still heal like Jesus and his disciples did.


  • It is a very supportive sacrament-it helps the person spiritually and/or physically.
  • It joins the ill person with the community.
  • It allows the person's sins to be forgiven so they can enter heaven.
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  • Introductory Rite- the Penitential Rite reminds Catholics that they are sinners ad still need forgiveness.
  • Liturgy of the Word-the Bible readings and Homily is given.
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist- a re-enactment of the Last Supper and the bread and wine, which are transubstantiated into the body & blood of Christ, is given to the people.
  • Concluding Rite-Catholics are given a blessing and reminded to "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord."


  •  Recieving the body and blood of Christ will help Catholics develop a closer relationship with God and Jesus said to "Do this in memory of me."
  • It is a sin to deliberately & knowingly miss Mass on Sundays and holy days.
  • The Homily-explaining the readings and relating them to everyday life which helps Catholics understand the teachings of the Church.
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The Eucharist in other traditions.

Eastern Orthodox Church-

  • The Eucharist is a sacrament where bread & wine become Body & Blood of .Christ by a holy mystery.
  • Part of Divine Liturgy-heaven comes to earth in the bread & wine, filling people with grace and the presence of Jesus.

Nonconformist Protestants-

  • The Eucharist is Holy Communion.
  • It is a commemoration of the Last Supper.
  • Bread and wine are symbols that do not change.
  • Fills people with presence and grace of Jesus.

Salvation Army & Quakers

  • No Eucharist
  • Jesus is the only priest and worship should be direct contact with God without symbols & use of sacraments.
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Churches and their features.


  • The focus-priest offers Mass on the altar as a symbol of Christ offering himself as a sacrifice to God on the cross.


  • Has a place of honour-usually next to the altar; it contains the consecrated hosts of the Blessed Sacrament reserved there for distribution to the sick.

Baptismal font-

  • Contains holy water, usually at the entrance (the back) of the Church, reminding Catholics of their baptism.


  • Visual aids for the congregation during prayer. They don't pray to the statues.
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  • Celebration of incarnation.
  • Through the life, death & resurrection it is possible to achieve salvation.
  • Catholics remember that God showed his love by sending his son to teach humans how to live.
  • A time of hope and peace, when Catholics pray for the Second Coming.


  • Without the birth of Christ, there would be no Christianity.
  • Salvation was made possible.
  • Catholics recognise that he was born to suffer, die and save humans from sin as well as working miracles.
  • It is a time to celebrate families-Jesus was born into a human family.
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  •  On Ash Wednesday Catholics go to Church for a special Penitential Mass and show their penitence by having a cross of ashes smeared on their forehead.
  • Catholics try to give something up to make themselves into better people.
  • Catholics try to pray more and strengthen their faith.
  • There are special meetings to think about Easter and what it means to be a Christian. 


  • It is a time when Catholics concentrating on improving their Christian lives.
  • It is a chance to think about the teachings of Jesus and what they mean today.
  • The readings during Mass are based on the later parts of Jesus' life which help Catholics understand what to do in order to achieve salvation.
  • It is a time when Catholics try to increase their faith through extra prayer, study and fasting.
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Holy Week.


  • Begins on Palm Sunday.
  • Maundy Thurday, Good Friday and ends on Holy Saturday.
  • Jesus' life is recalled, especially from his entrance into Jerusalem to his death on Good Friday.
  • A time of reflection and prayer on Jesus' sufferings which enabled salvation.


  • Reminds Catholics they should serve on another and put temselves last.
  • It inspires Catholics to think about their role in the world-to stand up for justice and peace.
  • Reminds Catholics of the suffering Jesus experienced, helping them to face their suffering.
  • Reminds Cathoics of the salvation Jesus brought us, and try to do things to make up for their sins. (Reparation).
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  • Most important celebration-the greatest miracle of all; Jesus' resurrection and brought us salvation.
  • Proves Christ's identity-that he is both human and divine
  • It gives Catholics a chance to think about the mysteries of their faith and deepen their faith.
  • The resurrection was the final part of salvation and through the resurrection, sins can be forgiven and Catholics can be allowed into heaven.


  • It celebrates the resurrection and proves that Jesus is God, since no one BUT God could perform such a miracle.
  • Without the resurrection, salvation would have never been possible and Catholics woudn't be able to enter heaven.
  • It proves Jesus is still alive and working in his Church
  • It celebrates Jesus' victory over death and evil-new adult Catholics are often baptised on Easter Sunday.
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Miss KHP


This can be used for most exam boards that cover Christianity.

What is good about this resource is that it is really clearly laid out. So for example, Christmas: what is the meaning of it and what is the importance. No need to find out, just read this information as it has already been done for you.

I suggest you also add your own notes, such as quotes or examples of people that may be important in this area.



This resource has brief notes which are very useful for students to use as a revision tool. However, I noticed that for the section on "The Eucharist in other traditions", The Church of England has not been explained and it is on the syllabus. Apart from this, this resource is very helpful!



This resource has brief notes which are very useful for students to use as a revision tool. However, I noticed that for the section on "The Eucharist in other traditions", The Church of England has not been explained and it is on the syllabus. Apart from this, this resource is very helpful!



This is  great!! Thank you 



Life Saver 

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