Unit 3 LO4

  • Created by: abbiedye
  • Created on: 07-12-19 21:01

Why might accidents occur?

- can be the result of poorly maintained areas, fittings and equipment

- individuals may be more susceptible to accidents due to reduced mobility and awareness of hazards

- poor working practices can be a cause, such as unsafe moving and handling

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Why might exposure to infections occur?

- individuals may be susceptible to bacterial infections

- poor environmental conditions can create conditions where pathogens can thrive

- poor working practices, like poor personal hygiene, can encourage spread of pathogens

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Why might exposure to chemicals occur?

- if individuals are exposed to a hazardous substance when carrying out daily work tasks

- exposure can occur unexpectedly if a spillage has occurred

- if safe practices as specified in manufacturers instructions for storing, handling and disposing have not been followed

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Why might spillages occur?

- spillages of body fluids can lead to outbreaks of infections

- spillages of waste and other hazardous substances have potential to have serious consequences

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Why might intruders occur?

- when premises are poorly maintained, intruders could enter the building

- may access premises due to poor working practices that allow unauthorised people access building

- protecting electronic and paper records is essential

- source of emotional upset and harm for those whose safety has been threatened

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Why might aggressive and dangerous encounters occu

- bruised eye from an individual hitting out

- fall down the stairs from an individual who has abused alcohol

- bite to the arm from an aggressive individual who has abused drugs

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Why might a fire occur?

- can have devastating consequences for everyone

- fire safety involves knowing how to prevent fires from starting and spreading

- only start if oxygen, fuel and heat are present

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Why might floods occur?

- caused by water escaping from an item inside the premises

- due to a failure to carry out routine maintenance checks

- potential to cause long-term damage to premises and spread diseases carried in water

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Why might a loss of water supply occur?

- could indicate a burst pipe somewhere in the premises or a leak in the mains system

- due to a failure of routine maintenance checks

- have an impact on key care and support activities (cleaning, washing, cooking)

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Why might other critical incidents occur?

- faulty light switch or electrical appliance may cause electricity to cut out

- gas leak from faulty appliances and pipework can lead to fires and explosions

- bomb threats should be taken seriously

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How should people report accidents?

- legal requirement that records are kept of accidents

must record

  • name of person injured or ill
  • date, time and place of accident/incident
  • details of the injury/illness
  • treatment given and what happened to the injured/ill person afterwards

- all records must be signed

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What are evacuation procedures?

- evacuation procedures and escape routes will vary for different settings

- evacuation routes must be kept clear, well lit and signposted

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What is ACT FAST?

  • Act fast - do not panic, sound the fire alarm
  • Control and contain the fire - if trained to do so
  • Telephone fire brigade - give details about you, location and the fire
  • Follow emergency procedures - ensure everyone's safety
  • Assist in ensuring everyone in safe place - inside or outside
  • Support others - no one returns or stops to collect belongings
  • Try to remain calm - told it is safe to return
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Why is it important to conduct a follow-up review

- incidents and emergencies occur suddenly and unexpectedly

- casualties, witnesses and responders will be affected and therefore support and counselling must be offered

- implementing actions from findings of the reviews will form a part of the follow-up review process

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Why should the incident be reported to relevant au

- depending on the nature of the incident, external agencies (police, fire service) may be involved

- outbreaks of infection and occurrences of notifiable diseases must be reported to the local health protection unit (HPU)

- RIDDOR requires that work-related injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences are reported to the HSE or local authority

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What are the 3 P's (first aider)?

  • Preserving life - first step is to assess for danger
  • Preventing deterioration - preventing further harm to the casualty or their condition worsening
  • Promoting recovery - staying with individual until health arrives to enable effective handover
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What is DR'S ABC (first aider)?

  • Danger checks - check for any risks or signs of danger
  • Response assessment - assess all casualties
  • Shout for help - call an ambulance
  • Airway checks - check that the airways are open and not blocked
  • Breathing checks - check if breathing normally (perform CPR if trained to do so)
  • Circulation checks - continue to monitor the casualty
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