Unit 2 Lesson 4


Dealing With Conflict

-Tension and conflict with service users,between service users and their carers can be common

-Challenging behaviour = putting others at risk or affecting quality of life 

-Examples; excessive rudeness,aggression,self harm, disruptiveness

-Training is needed to deal with conflict 

-If you work in dimiciliary work (alone with service users) = Lone workers 

-Policy needs to be in place with specific guidance for dealing with situations where you feel vulnerable 

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Dealing with Conflict

When dealing with conflict, care practitioners need to;

-Stay calm

-Try to see both sides of the arguement or issue

-Listen carefully

-Never resort to aggressive behaviour 

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Ensuring Safety in a H/S Care Setting

-Responsibility of employers to ensure H/S of all who work in their company

-Employers are responsible for the safety of volunteers,learners and visitors 

-The HASWA (1974) governs the requirements of employers/employees to ensure they maintain a safe working environment

Employers must;

1-Ensure the organisation has robust health and safety policies and someone has official responsibility 

2-Undertake risk assessments to identify risk and hazards and how to reduce the likelihood

3-Up to date info on H/S issues

4-Health and safety equipment to carry out all procedures and treatments 

5-H/S training 

6-Record of all accidents and incidents 

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Ensuring Safety in a H/S Care Setting

-Employees must 

1-Take reasonable care of their own safety and of others in the workplace including service users, colleauges and visitors 

2-Cooperate with their employer to carry out the agreed and required health and safety procedures of the workplace

3-Not intentionally damage H/S equipment at the setting (Hoist & Lifts)

-Risk assessment = examine all the procedures and activities that take place in their organisation and assess the level of risk involved

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-If a child or vulnerable adult shares information that raises concerns about their personal safety or they disclose that they are being abused- you should follow the settings and safeguarding policies 

-You should listen carefully and avoid asking questions 

-Let service user tell their story in their own way and in their own words

-Explain that the information must be shared with someone more senior 

-All care settings will have a designed safeguarding officer who will take responsibility for investigating the claim or accusation 

-The safeguarding officer will ask you to provide a written record of what you have been told 

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Risk Assessment

Carrying Out A Risk Assessment 

1-Identify the hazards at the setting, or in carrying out an activity 

2- Identify those at risk,including service users,staff,volunteers and other visitors 

3-Evaluate the level of risk-usually rated on a scale of 1 to 4, with 1 being the lowest level of risk 

4-Identify ways to limit the risk-this will include specific actions to minimise risk 

5-Review measures taken to minimise the risk 

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