Unit 1 Topic 4-The Ever-Changing Earth


Tectonic Plates

The tectonic plates move due to convection currents in the mantle.The convection currents are caused by the heat released from radioactive decay.

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Convergent Boundaries crumble the edge of plates forming mountains.

Divergent Boundaries,rock magma beneath the surface causing volcanic erruptions.

Consevative boundaries cause earthquakes.

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The Evolution of the Earths Atmosphere

4 Billion Years ago- Will be changing this slide






Present Day

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Alfred Wegener-Theory of Continental Drift

1915 not scientifically accepted.

Wegener could not explain why the plates moved.

Suggested that the plates were once joined-Overtime moved apart.

Observed coastlines-Jigsaw fit.

Similar patterns-Rocks,fossils of continents seperated by oceans.

1960s-Widely accepted-Scientists had found evidence to show that the plates had moved as a result of convection currents in the mantle.

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Accepting Alfred Wegener Theory

Study of the ocean floor-Large mountains ranges and deep trenches found.Thought seabed was once flat.

Dating techniques using radioisotopes-Ocean crust was very young compared to the continents.

Rocks keep a record of the magnetic field-Changes time to time.Evidence of seafloor seperating.

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Global Warming


Changing weather patterns.


Quicker melting of the ice caps and glaciers.

Rising sea levels.

Carbon Capture-

Scientists are thinking of storing Co2 produced by burning fossil fuels under the sea in geological formations.

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Acid Rain

Fuels-Oil,petrol-Impurities compounds,Sulpfur,Nitrogen.

When burning produces-Polluting gases,Sulfur Dioxide and oxides of Nitrogen.

Acidic Rain-Forms when Sulfur Dioxide is released from factories-Sulfuur Dioxide reacts with rain to form Sulfuric Acid.

Kills plants,aquatic life-fish,damages buildings and statues made of limeston and metals e.g. bridges.

Sulfur Scrubbing-

Removing Sulfur Dioxide from exhaust gases of fossil fuels.

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Good Luck.

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