Unequal spaces: Sheffield (urban area)

  • Created by: J.LEA
  • Created on: 20-03-17 13:58

Causes of inequality


- 9.8% in sheffiled compared to 7.8% in the whole of england

- 16% of shellied claiming benefits compared to 14% of the whole of england

- 30% of unemployment in Manor and Park


- Urban sprawl, suburbanisiation and counterunrbanisation all caused inner city decline and created peripheral estates

- From 1981 to 1991, 23000 jobs were lost

- 448 ha of vacant industrial land by 1993

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Deprived areas

Southey green, Firth park:

- Peripheral estates= distant from jobs and services due to urban sprawl

- High percentage of council rented housing (60-72%)

Sharrow, Park, Castle:

- Inner city= High population density, old housing

- Experienced inner city decline due to suburbanisation and counter urbanisation

Lower Don Valley:

- Deindustrialised areas

- Loss of jobs, high unemployment,dereliction, low equality

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Impacts of inequaltiy

Deprived neighbourhoods:

- 17.6% population live in council rented property (England 7.5%)

- 6 of the eastern wards have 60-73% council rented properties

Poverty and low incomes:

- GDP <75% of the European average

- 33% households have no car ( England=26%)

Poor skills and qualifications:

- 24% population have no qualifications

- 686 average level 3 QCA point score ( England=712)

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Managing inequaltiy

Park hill flats:

- 874 flats built costing £17 million

Local housing Co:

- 305 homes built by 2013

Heart of the city project:

- Started in 1997 to redevlop the CBD and generate employmet ( final cost of £120 million)

- Improved equaltiy, created new improved services for locals and tourists

- 1800 new service sector jobs

- 130 in construction


- £240 million > 25 trams, 60km of track

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