UK Energy

  • Created by: G.Oldham
  • Created on: 27-03-18 19:07

Renewable Energy

Energy from a source that is not depleted when used.

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Non-Renewable Energy

A natural resource that, once consumed, cannot be replaced.

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Sustainable Energy

Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need. e.g biofuel if replanted

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Energy Mix

The range of renewable and non renewable sources used by a country and their proportions

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Fossil Fuel

A natural fuel formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms- coal, oil and gas. 

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Coal Power

Last Coal mine shut in 2015 in the UK. Mainly used until mid 80s.

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Big fall in the use of Coal and Oil in the 1990s due to the UK being able to purchase North sea gas

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Gas is the most cleanest, easiest and cheapest to transport fossil fuel.

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Wind Power

The greatest amount of renewable energy in the UK comes from wind generation.

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Biomass is an easy way to reduce  greenhouse gas production.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear is not a renewable source, but it does not produce any greenhouse gases.

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