two contrasting locations and scales for food suplies insecurity.

  • Created by: macks
  • Created on: 03-05-16 12:51

Malnutrition in Ethopia


The underlying causes are related to inadequate household access to food, health services, clean water and sanitation facilities and inadequate care of women and children.

There is a higher population density in relation to food resource, with 72 people per 1km2.   With a 3.2% of annual population growth and the agricultural growth rate at only 0.5%, food inadequacy at the national level is a major problem.

In general 90% of rural households are food insecure. The majority of rural households are affected by either chronic or transitory food shortages and urban household are using more than 80% of household income to acquire less than 71 per cent of daily caloric requirements.

  • Wide spread poverty means that many people do not have the money to buy food praticularly in times of crop decrease. 8 million people out of a total of 62 million rely on food aid for survival.
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Social continued...

People with low incomes or depedent on farming for their incomes are more likely to become food insecure.  However, this result was only significant in urban areas, perhaps because the wealth index we used includes items more likely to be found in urban areas. When we employed indicators of more typical rural assets – land and livestock ownership – we similarly found that rural households with more livestock are less likely to have children who are wasted or underweight, but in urban areas the reverse was the case.


Climate variablility due to climate change has caused predicting harvest and when to soe hard as the rains are difficult to predict and sometimes do not come, therefore damading the yeild and the health of the crops. In recent years , both rain seasons has not arrived and produced adequate rainfall for the yeilid production.

 Ethiopia, especially around the towns of Gode, Denan and Imi in the southeast. Ethiopia is one of the poorest countries in the world, ranked 172 out of 174 last year in its overall level of development, meaning that its vast population, one of the largest in Africa, is particularly vulnerable to drought. An estimated 8 million of Ethiopia's 60 million people are at immediate risk. Drought causes rain not to come or for the rain causing aquifers and water sources to be drained and be in a lack of reserve causing a demand enduced scarity.

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The suitation...

  • Rissing levels of severe/acute malnurition is expected to increase that dependency in more, more people will rely on aid from HIC countries in stead of getting the country's agriculture back under way.
  • The vulnerability of children is explained by a complexx interaction of factors;
  • mother's health and diet durring her pregnancy.
  • Her knowledge of basic nutrition and water suply.
  • The income that they have in which they can spend on food.
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Food sulphrus in the UK.

The goverment recognises that there are several ways in which food is wasted within the UK.

7 million pounds of food is lost in household, 3.9 million in manufactering and 0.1 million in waste.

Food waste

  • Food fit for consumption is often disgarded due to the someone's fullness or dislike of the taste of the product. This results in the product being thrown away in a society which they can afford to throw it away.

Food lost

  • Decrease in edible food mass all sides of the production, poor harvest, processing and distribution of food suply chain.

Food wastage

  • food that is lost through wear or waste.
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source of food waste

Household- homeowners- incorrect storage or contaminitation of the food or not used in the use     by       date.

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Obesity in the UK

OBESE- Body mass index of >30 kg m2.

The number of people overweight increase as the standard of living increases- the percentage of adults over weight has doubled since 1990.


People are eating much more fatty diet of sugar, meat and consume much greater callories (390 calories)  to previous generations. This is further influenced by the lack of exercise and physical activity by a changing lifesttyle, causing less energy to be spent and more energy to be asorbed as fat. Doctors are finding much more metabolic and health risks by over eating such as: heart disease, stroke and cancer which cause early death.

Also it could be a genetic disorder that is passed on through the generations that cause a increaase in weight gain: globesity (widespread.)

If people are on a low income they are unable to afford the same quality and health products as higher income househoulds. They are more likely to buy cheaper products which are give a low nutritional ballence and intake.

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Common agricultural Programe

Two Extreames:

  • CAP was introduced post war Europe in order to help rebuilld the agricultural sector and create food security. 
  • fixed income or amount for their product even if the stock market prices were changed. This meant a secure income for the farmers and a reliable and constant input of food for the population of Europe and England.
  • However, this soon caused an excess of food sulphrus as farmers produced even more yeilds in order to get a higher income caused "food mountains." Which then caused excess food suplies which often went to waste. Durring the time when the 1984 Ethopian famine was occouring.
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1984 Ethopian Famine.

  • Drought and political instability contributed to the severity of the famine, which is estimated to have killed over one million people. By mid-1984 it was evident that another drought and resulting famine of major proportions had begun to affect large parts of northern Ethiopia. Just as evident was the government's inability to provide relief.
  • The almost total lack of output of crops in the north was compounded by fighting in and around Eritrea, which hindered the passage of relief supplies. And caused crop prices to increase by 300% out of reach of very poor households.
  • Ethiopia had previously suffered major drought and famine during the early 1970s. The late 1970s again brought signs of intensifying drought.
  • By the early 1980s, large numbers of people in central Eritrea, Tigray, Wollo, and parts of Begemder and Shewa were beginning to feel the effects of renewed famine. The new government instituted many reforms designed to prevent future famines.  However, the reforms were short lived, and soon farmers were given quotas and restricted from other business activities.  As a result, by 1976 an insurgency had spread throughout the country. 
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