Turning to Crime - Upbringing - Farrington

  • Created by: Majid
  • Created on: 27-12-12 12:51

Turning to Crime - Upbringing


Aim: Investigate if delinquency is more common in boys from permanently disrupted families or intact families.

Method & Procedure: Longitudinal study; 411 boys; 8-9 years old; Investigating influences of offending

Results: More likely to display criminal behaviours if at 8-10 these 5 risk factors are present:

  • Family Criminality & Poor Parenting - e.g. being neglected as a child - may commit theft to gain parents attention but may observe and imitate crim behaviour if someone in their family has committed a crime.
  • Poverty & Risk taking-Impulsiveness - e.g. living in poverty you may steal money to provide food and someone who is a criminal may take risks to steal whereas a non-criminal will be impulsive and may resist the urge to steal.
  • Low School Attainment - e.g. Someone who doesn't enjoy school may have low aspirations and feel like they won't gain anything out of an education so they will turn to alternate activities such as vandalism.

Conclusion: If these 5 main childhood risk factors are present then the individual may turn to crime.

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