Treating the Sick c1350



medically trained at university and passed exams

diagnosed illnesses and gave treatments OR sent patients to barber surgeons and apothericaries.

Expensive- mainly used by the wealthy

Very few women physicians. Incredibly rare.

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barber surgeons

no training required

carried out bloodletting, pulling teeth and lancing boils.

did basic surgery, such as amputating limbs- not very successful

cost less than a physician

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monks and nuns

ran hospitals through the church donations

cared for the poor and elderly.

some hospials ran for specific diseases, like leprosy.


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housewife physicians

village 'wise woman' or lady of the manor

treated local people

dealt with childbirth, common injuries/illnesses

mixed herbs and plant remedies

used charms and spells.

cheapest and most accessible

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recieved training but no medical qualification

mixed medicines and ointments based on own knowledge or directions from physicians.

costs money, but less than physicians

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medicines and ointments were made from plants, herbs, spices and minerals.

only some worked

people would pray and go on pilgrimages hoping that God would cure them

lucky charms or other superstitous cures were used

physicians tried to restore someone's humours through bleeding, purging or the theory of opposities.

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what physicians did

physicians would observe patients symptoms

check their pulse rate, skin colour and urine.

consulted urine charts in their vademecum

consulted zodiac charts to help diagnose illnesses and to work out the best time to bleed them- if bloodletting was necessary.

would either treat patients or sent them to barber surgeon or apothecaries

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