Treating Depression- Cognitive Approach


CBT- Beck's Cognitive Therapy

- identify the patient's negative triad= negative view about world, self & future

- challenge these irrational thoughts

- test the reality of the patient's thoughts= give homework= record when they enjoyed an event, when ppl were nice to them= "patient as scientist"

- in future when patient says no one is nice to them= therapist shows them this evidence= prove their beliefs are incorrect

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CBT- Ellis' Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (RE

- identify & challenge irrational thoughts

- patients says they are unlucky & life is unfair= therapists says these are examples of utopianism (unrealistic) & irrational beliefs= 

- involve arguement= intended to change these irrational beliefs= breaking link between negative life events & depression

- empirical argument= disputing whether or not there is actual evidence for the negative belief

- logical argument= disputing whether negative belief, logically follows from the facts

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Behavioural Activitation

- getting patient to engage more in enjoyable activities 

providing more evidence irrational nature of beleifs

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