Transition - Rites of Passage

Transition definition 

Rites of passage and examples

  • Created by: amnabh
  • Created on: 21-02-18 21:07


It appears that youth may be more related to change and transition than to biological age.

It could be seen as a time that allows a young person to leave behind childhood ideas and behaviours and become an adult.

In some cultures it is a time of experimenting with adult roles i.e. part time work. 

In contemporary UK, this transition & movement into adulthood may include learning to drive etc. 

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Rites of Passage:

Rites of Passage: 

The ceremonies & proceedings used to mark the transition from childhood to adulthood are often known as rites of passage or initiation rites. 

Examples:  Suri life, Dassanech life, Debutantes, Bar/Bat Mitzvah


In England, upper class girls used to become women when presented at a "coming out" ball. Rich American families have this marked with a large ceremony - debutantes ball- where girls wear white gowns and gloves and are individually introduced into society or audience of ball. 

Bar Mitzvah: 

Jewish boys + girls  attend classes to learn about religous heritage along with furutre role as  Jewish mother and father. When 12/13 they should be able to show enough knowlege to take on personal religious responsibilty- this ceremony makers their transition to adulthood. 

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