


Extreme environments

Extreme environments are places where people find it difficult to live.

They can't farm there, there are no cities, they're wild and inhospitable.

They are mainly mountainous, desert or rainforest areas.

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Why are more people going to antarctica?

In 1992 6,700 people visited Antarctica, by 2009 9,450,00 people had visited.

This is due to the;

Comfort factor

The wilderness of the environment

Ease of access

Financial factors

Growing popularity of ecotourism

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Why is stewardship and conservation important?

Stewardship is an important way of conserving the environment. The wildlife is taken into consideration as well as the local people.

It helps protect the environment from harm and allows it to thrive in the future.

Ecotourism can play a big role here, i is a really good way of helping the locals while looking after the environment.

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What are the benefits of ecotourism?

Waste is recycled and renewable energy sources are used, conserving the envirionment.

Because it's small scale, tourists travel in small groups, less resources are consumed.

Local people are employed, their wages are spent in the local area benefitting the local economy.

As a result of eco-tourism, the local people can afford consumer goods.

The extra money in the economy means that education and healthcare services can be improved leading to higher literacy rates and life expectancy.

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How does ecotourism help sustainable development?

Ecotourism values and conserves the natural environment.

It improves the well-being of the local people.

Eco-tourism brings money to the local area.

The forest and it's wildlife become economic resources and so do the traditions of the local people.

The local people, government and businesses value traditions and nature more.

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Mr. Pittaway


A good presentaion although you need to check your spelling and typing more carefully...inhospitable and mountainous...for example

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