Topic 8: Control of gene expression



  • An organism develops from a single fertilised egg, this fertilised egg has the ability to mature into any body cell - it is totipotent
  • They later differentiate and become specialised for a particular function
  • The specialised cells only make proteins that are required for it to carry out its function
  • They are still capable of making other proteins but this would be wasteful
  • Genes are prevented from expressing themselves by: preventing transcription, or preventing translation
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Stem Cells

  • Only a few cells retain the ability to differentiate into other types of cells, these are stem cells
  • Stem cells are undifferentiated dividing cells that occur in adult animal tissues and need to be constantly replaced
  • They have the ability to divide into an identical copy of themselves - self-renewal
  • They originate from: embryos, umbilical cord, placenta, adult bone marrow

Types of stem cell include:

  • Totipotent: found in early embryo, differentiate into ANY type of cell
  • Pluripotent: differentiate into ALMOST ANY type of cell
  • Multipotent: differentiate into a LIMITED number of specialised cells
  • Unipotent: differentiate into only ONE type of cell
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The effect of oestrogen on gene transcription

  • For transcription to begin, the gene is switched on by transcriptional factors, each has a site that binds to a specific base sequence of DNA
  • When the transcriptional factor binds it causes that region of DNA to begin transcription
  • When a gene is not being expressed, the site on the transcriptional factor that binds to DNA is inactive

Hormones like oestrogen can switch on a gene and start transcription by combining with a transcriptional factor receptor site:

  • Oestrogen is lipid soluble, it passes through the cell membrane
  • Once inside the cytoplasm, oestrogen binds with a complementary receptor site on the transcriptional factor
  • Oestrogen changes the shape of the DNA binding site on the transcriptional factor, it is now active and can bind to start transcription
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Epigenetics - the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself - environmental factors can cause heritable change in gene functions without changing the base sequence of DNA

The epigenome

  • DNA is wrapped around proteins called histones, both are covered in chemicals called tags
  • Chemical tags form a second layer - the epigenome
  • This determines the shape of the DNA-histone complex, the DNA code is fixed, the epigenome is flexible
  • Genes that are inactive are tightly packed, ensuring they cannot be read - epigenetic silencing
  • Active genes are unwrapped so the DNA is exposed and can be easily transcribed
  • Chemical tags respond to changes in environmental factors - diet, stress, etc.
  • The epigenome of a cell is the accumulation of all signals that it has received - cellular memory
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The DNA-histone complex

  • Where the association of histones with DNA is weak - it is less condensed, so the DNA is accessible by transcriptional factors - it is switched on
  • Where the association of histones with DNA is strong - it is more condensed, the DNA inaccessible by transcriptional factors - it is switched off

Decreased Acetylation

  • An acetyl group is transferred to a molecule
  • In this case, the group donating is acetylcoenzyme A
  • Decreased acetylation increases the positive charges on histones - increases their attraction to the phosphate groups on DNA
  • Association between DNA and histones is stronger - gene inaccessible/switched off

Increased Methylation

  • Addition of methyl group to the cytosine bases
  • Inhibits transcription by preventing the binding of transcriptional factors and attracting proteins that condense the DNA-histone complex - making genes inaccessible
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The effect of RNA interference

  • In eukaryotic and some prokaryotic cells, the translation of mRNA produced by a gene can be inhibited by breaking mRNA down before it can be translated

Small interfering RNA (siRNA)

  • An enzyme cuts large double-stranded molecules of RNA into smaller sections - siRNA
  • One of the siRNA strands combines with an enzyme
  • The siRNA molecule guides the enzyme to mRNA and pairs up bases
  • The mRNA is cut into smaller sections by the enzyme
  • mRNA can no longer be translated
  • Genes are not expressed
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  • Large, grows slowly
  • Cells well differentiated
  • Cells produce adhesion molecules that make them stick together and they remain within the tissue - primary tumours
  • Surrounded by a capsule of dense tissue, remains compact
  • Less likely to be life-threatening, can disrupt organ function
  • Localised effect, rarely reoccur after treatment


  • Large, grows rapidly
  • Cells undifferentiated
  • Cells do not produce adhesion molecules and spread to other regions of the body, a process called mestasis - secondary tumours
  • No capsule, finger-like projections penetrate surrounding tissue
  • Life-threatening, abnormal tumour tissue replaces normal tissue
  • Systematic (whole body) effect, more frequently reoccur after treatment
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Gene expression and cancer 1

  • Cancer cells derive from a single mutant cell
  • Intial mutation caused uncontrolled mitosis


  • Mutations of proto-oncogenes
  • Proto-oncogenes stimulate a cell to divide when growth factors attach to a protein receptor on its surface
  • If a proto-oncogene mutates into an oncogene it can become permanently activated
  • Therefore cells divide too rapidly and out of control


  • Slow down cell division, repair mistakes in DNA and tell cells when to die - apoptosis
  • Prevent tumours by maintaining normal cell division rate
  • If a TSG mutates, it becomes inactivated - it stops inhibiting cell division
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Gene expression and cancer 2

Abnormal methylation of tumour supressor genes

  • Hypermethylation occurs in a specific region of TSG
  • This leads to the TSG being inactivated
  • Transcription of the promoter regions of TSG is inhibited
  • TSG silenced
  • Inactivation = increased cell division

Oestrogen concentration and cancer

  • Oestrogen plays a central role in the menstrual cycle
  • Women’s chances of cancer often increase after menopause due to increased oestrogen concentration
  • Fat cells of the breast produce more oestrogen
  • Tumour produces even more oestrogen when present
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Genome projects

GENOME - the complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism

DNA sequencing

  • Determining the complete DNA base sequence of an organism uses the technique of whole-genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing
  • Researchers cut DNA into many small, easily sequenced, sections and use computer algorithms to align overlapping segments to create the genome

PROTEOME - All the proteins produced in a given type of cell, at a given time, under specified conditions

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Recombinant DNA technology

Producing DNA fragments

  • Isolate, clone and transfer genes into microorganisms
  • Microorganisms grown to provide a ‘factory’ for the production of the desired gene
  • The DNA of two different organisms that have been combined in this way is recombinant DNA
  • The resulting organism is transgenic, a GMO - Genetically Modified Organism

1. Isolation
2. Insertion
3. Transformation
4. Identification
5. Growth/Cloning

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Isolation techniques 1


  • Cell that readily produces the protein is selected - eg. beta cells
  • Reverse transcriptase is then used to make DNA from RNA, this DNA is known as complementary DNA - cDNA
  • DNA polymerase is used to build up the complementary nucleotides on the cDNA
  • The double strand of DNA is the required gene


  • Restriction endonucleases - produced by bacteria to defend themselves by cutting up DNA
  • Some cut between 2 opposite base pairs leaving 2 straight blunt ends
  • Others cut unevenly, each strand of the DNA has unpaired exposed bases - STICKY ENDS
  • Restriction Endonucleases make staggered cuts, recognise 6 base pairs
  • 4 bases exposed - mirror images
  • This a 6 base pair palindrome
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Isolation techniques 2


  • Desired sequence worked out, fed into computer
  • Checked for biosafety and biosecurity
  • Computer designs a series of oglionucleotides - assembled into the desired gene
  • No introns or non-coding DNA
  • Gene replicated using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
  • Also constructs a complemtary strand
  • Using sticky ends the gene can be inserted into a bacterial plasmid
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In vivo gene cloning 1

IN VIVO - within a living organism, as the organism grows and divides it replicates the DNA making multiple copies of the gene


  • The vector (plasmid) is isolated
  • Vector cut open using the same restriction endonuclease used to isolate the DNA fragment containing the target gene, the sticky ends of the vector and DNA fragment will be complementary
  • Vector DNA and DNA fragment are mixed together with DNA ligase (enzyme), DNA ligase joins the sticky ends of the DNA fragment to the sticky ends of the vector - LIGATION
  • The new combination of bases is called recombinant DNA
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In vivo gene cloning 2

Part 2 - Transforming cells

  • Vectors (plasmids) and host cells (bacterial cells) mixed together in a heated medium containing calcium ions, these conditions make the bacterial membrane permeable - allowing the plasmids to pass through into the cytoplasm
  • Only as few as 1% take up the plasmid, sometimes plasmids will have closed up again without incorporating the DNA fragment

Bacterial cells that have taken up the plasmid will have antibiotic resistance

  • All bacterial cells grown on a medium that contains the antibiotic ampicillin
  • Bacterial cells that have taken up the plasmid will be ampicillin resistant
  • These cells will survive
  • Bacterial cells without the plasmid will die

However, some cells will have taken up the plasmid and closed without incorporating the gene, to eliminate these we use marker genes

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Marker genes


  • Bacterial cells that survived the first antibiotic are cultured in an agar
  • A tiny sample of each colony is transferred onto a replica plate in the same position
  • The replica plate contains an antibiotic that cells have resistance to if they took up the plasmid
  • Colonies not killed were the successful ones, these are grown from the first plate


  • Jellyfish gene for fluorescence (GFP) is inserted into a plasmid
  • The gene to be cloned is transferred to the middle of the GFP gene
  • Any Bacterial cell that has taken up the plasmid with the desired gene to be cloned will not glow


  • Required gene inserted into gene that makes lactase
  • Lactase makes solutions turn blue
  • Cells won’t turn blue if the desired gene was successfully incorportated
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In vitro gene cloning

IN VITRO - cloning outside of a living organism using polymerase chain reaction


  • A method of copying fragments of DNA - automated, rapid, efficient

Requires the following:

  • DNA fragment to copy
  • DNA taq polymerase - thermostable, can withstand high temperature
  • Oglionucleotide primers
  • Nucleotides
  • Thermocycler - a computer-controlled machine that varies temperature precisely over a period of time


  • DNA fragments, primers and DNA polymerase placed in thermocycler
  • Temperature is set to 95 causing the two strands of DNA fragment to separate due to the breaking of hydrogen bonds
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In vitro gene cloning 2


  • Temperature 55, causes primers to join (anneal) to complementary bases on the end of the DNA strands
  • Primers prevent the two strands from rejoining


  • Temperature 72, optimum temp for DNA taq polymerase to add complementary nucleotides along the DNA strands
  • 2 new copies of DNA fragments are formed
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Locating genes


  • A short single stranded length of DNA that has some sort of label attached to make it easily identifiable
  • Radioactively labelled probes - made up of nucleotides with the isotope 32P, identified using x-ray film
  • Fluorescently labelled probes - emit fluorescent light under certain conditions

Used to identify particular alleles as follows:

  • DNA probe made that has complementary bases to part of the DNA sequence with the gene you want to find
  • Double-stranded DNA that is being tested treated to separate the strands
  • Separated DNA strands are mixed with the probe which binds to the complementary base sequence on one of the strands - DNA HYBRIDISATION
  • The site at which the probe binds can be indentified by the fluorescence or radioactivity
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DNA hybridisation

  • A section of DNA or RNA is combined with a single-stranded section of DNA
  • The 2 strands of DNA are separated by heating - denaturation
  • When cooled the complementary bases recombine - anneal
  • Given sufficient time all DNA partners will pair up
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Locating specific alleles

  • Determine the desired allele - genetic libraries
  • Fragment of DNA produced complementary to allele
  • Multiple probes formed using PCR
  • Marker attached
  • DNA heated to separate 2 strands
  • Separated strands cooled in a mixture with many probes
  • If the DNA contains the allele one of the probes is likely to attach
  • DNA washed clean of an unattached probes
  • Remaining hybridised DNA will now be fluorescent
  • Dye detected by shining light on the fragments
  • Genetic screening
  • Personalised medicine
  • Genetic counselling
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Genetic fingerprinting

  • Analysis of fragments that have been cloned using PCR
  • 95% of human DNA made up of non-coding DNA known as Variable Number Tandem Repeats (VNTR)
  • Some is between genes - some is within genes (introns)
  • Some of the non-coding DNA is repetitive - hypervariable region


  • Used to separate DNA fragments according to size
  • DNA fragments placed on agar gel and voltage is applied across it
  • The resistance of the gel means that the larger the fragments are the more slowly they move
  • Over a period of time, the small fragments move further
  • DNA fragments of different lengths separated
  • Only DNA around 500 bases long can be sequenced so larger genes must be cut into smaller fragments using restriction endonucleases
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Genetic fingerprinting 2


  • Obtain a small sample of blood, saliva, hair, etc.
  • Separate the DNA from the rest of the cell using a solvent
  • If the sample is very small many copies are made using PCR


  • Restriction endonucleases are used to hydrolyse the DNA into fragments
  • The DNA fragments will be of varying sizes, some contain hypervariable regions
  • They will cut close to, but not within, core sequenced


  • DNA fragments separated according to size using gel electrophoresis
  • DNA fragments placed on gel at pH7, voltage applied
  • DNA fragments move towards positive electrode as they are negatively charged
  • Gel immersed into an alkali to seperate the double strands
  • The single strands are transferred into a nylon membrane using a technique called Southern blotting
  • Membrane covered with several layers of absorbent paper which draws the liquid containing DNA
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Genetic fingerprinting 3


  • Separated DNA single strand mixed with radioactive or fluorescent DNA probes
  • Probes bind with known core sequences at complementary bases
  • Specific temperatures and pH are needed
  • Complementary base pairings occur between DNA and probes


  • A phosphate containing substrate is then added and placed on an X-Ray film
  • The alkaline phosphatase removes the phosphate causing the substrate to fluoresce - fogging the X-Ray film
  • The developed film shows dark bands where the probe has bound to the hypervariable region
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Uses of genetic fingerprinting


  • To determine genetic variability
  • Resolve questions of paternity
  • More closely related individuals have closer genetic fingerprints


  • Blood, hair, saliva, etc. left at the scene of a crime
  • Can determine whether a suspect was present at a crime scene


  • Prevent undesirable interbreeding in farms and zoos
  • Can identity plants or animals with a desirable gene


  • Diagnose diseases like Huntington’s disease
  • Compare genetic fingerprints to determine the probability of a person developing symptoms and when
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