Topic 2 - Religion and social protest


American civil rights movement

Bruce (2003) - black civil rights movement 1950s-60s - ending radical segregation, eg of religiously motivated social change. Rosa Parks, sat at front of bus etc - campaign involved direct action by black people. Almost decade later, 1964, segregation outlawed. B - black clergy backbone of movement. MLK - gave support + moral legitimacy. Churches provided meeting places, sanctuary.

B - religion ideological resource - provided beliefs + practices for motivation + support. Ways religious orgs well equipped to support protests + contribute to social change:
 - taking moral high ground
 - channelling dissent
 - acting as honest broker
 - mobilising public opinion.

B sees civil rights movement as eg of religion involved in secular struggle, helping bring change. Movement achieved aims b/c shared same values as wider society. 

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New Christian Right

Politically + morally conservative, Protestant fundamentalist movement. Gained prominence since 1960s b/c opp to liberalising US society. Aims - take America 'back to God', abortion, homosexuality etc illegal. Believes in traditional family + gender roles. Campaigns for teaching of 'creationism'.

Made effective use of media - use to recruit new members.

Largely unsuccessful in achieving aims b/c:
 - campaigners diff to cooperate w/ people from other religions groups
 - lacks widespread support, strong opposition.

Bruce - failed movement for change.

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