Topic 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 (a)

  • Created by: francesca
  • Created on: 12-03-17 14:09


Health- A state of complete mental, social and physical well-being and not merely the absence of death and infirmity.

Fitness- The ability to meet the demands of the environment

Performance- how well a task is completed

Exercise- Physical activity done primarily to improve fitness.

How do they link?

They link because your health, fitness and exercise all impact how well you perform. Your health and fitness can improve through good exercise and good performance.

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Health Related Fitness Components

B- body composition: the % of fat, muscle and bone in your body.

M- Muscular strength: the ability to exert an amount of force in one singular maximum effort.

M- Muscular Endurance: the abilty to use voluntary muscles over a long period of time without tiring.

F- Flexability: the range of movement at a joint.

C- Cardiovasular fitness: the ability to work the entire body (cardiovascular system) aerobically for a long period of time.

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Health Related Fitness Tests

Body composition = Skin fold callipers

Muscular Strength = hand grip dynometer

Muscular Endurance = sit up/press up bleep test

Flexability = sit and reach test

cardiovascular fitness = Cooper Run

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Skill Related Fitness Components

C- co-ordination: the ability to move two or more body parts at once

R- reaction time: the time between the presentation of a stimulus and movement

A- agility: the ability to change direction with speed

B- balance: the ability to retain your centre of mass over a base of support  (static or dynamic)

S- speed: time taken to complete a movement

P-power: a combination of strength and speed (strength x speed)

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Skill Related Fitness Tests

Co-ordination = Wall-toss

Reaction time = Ruler drop test

Agility = Illinois Run test

Balance = Stork test

Speed = 30 metre dash

Power = Vertical jump

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A PAR-Q is a questionnaire taken before completing physical activity to check your medical history and level of fitness.

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Principles of Training (SPORRI)

S- Specicifity: Matching training to the activity

PO- Progressive Overload: Gradually increasing the intesity of the training

R- Rest & recovery: Allocated time for recovery in a training regime

R- Reversibility: Reversed effects of training (over training or injury etc.)

I- Individual Needs: Training specific to you and what you are able to/can do

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Principles of Training (FITT)

F- Frequency: How much you train

I- Intensity: How hard you train

T- Time: How long you train for

T- Type: what type of trainig you do

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