To what extent were Religious causes the main cause of Tudor rebellions 1529-1570



Pilgrimage of Grace

  • Took place in the North - the North was Conservative Catholic and following the dissolution of the lesser monasteries, they were angered.
  • Religious grievances provided the rebels with a justification and motivation which helped sustain it.
  • Across all social classes there was a fear of heresy.

Wyatt's Rebellion

  • Not a fundamental cause, but a cause.
  • The Spanish marriage between Phillip II and Mary I wasn't welcomed by Protestants.

Northern Rising

  • The rebels' action of restoring mass at Durham Cathedral suggests there were religious causes - as the monarch was a Protestant and the rebels were form the Conservative North, the rebels had a great reason.
  • Mary Queen of Scots arrival to England acted as a catalyst for the rebels to re-Catholicise the country.
  • Resented the appointment of a Protestant Bishop of Durham.
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Rhys ap Gruffudd

  • Essentially a political rebellion:
    • refused the Chamberlaindship of South Wales.
    • infiltration of English administration and legislation.

Pilgrimage of Grace

  • Politcal causes:
    • feudalism was in decline - aristocracy became angered.
  • Economic causes:
    • angered by Henry VIII's demands on taxes.
  • Social causes:
    • rumours that food such as white meat were going to be available only to the higher classes.

Kett's Rebellion

  • Essentially a socio-economic rebellion:
    • increasing land rents
    • loss of common land

Wyatt's rebellion

  • fundamentally a political rebellion
    • the marriage between Mary I and Phillip II was not popular due to xenophobia.

Northern Rising

  • Also caused by political causes
    • powers and fuedalism was in decline
    • Duke of Norfolk's marriage to Mary Queen of Scots - fear that he could control her once putitng her on the throne.
    • Duke of Northumberland saw his position was limited under Elizabeth I's reign.
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  • certainly the main cause for the Pilgrimage of Grace and the Northern Rising.
  • played a part in Wyatt's rebellion
  • however, rhys ap gruffudd and Kett's rebellion were primarily Political and socio-economic rebellions.
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  • certainly the main cause for the Pilgrimage of Grace and the Northern Rising.
  • played a part in Wyatt's rebellion
  • however, rhys ap gruffudd and Kett's rebellion were primarily Political and socio-economic rebellions.
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