To Kill A Mockingbird Quotes

  • Created by: Emily
  • Created on: 17-05-13 12:45

Atticus Finch

·         “played with us, read with us…treated us with courteous detachment”

·         “You never really understand a person, until you consider things from his point of view.”

·         “Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it”

·         “Courage is when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what”

·         “Atticus Finch is the same in his house as he is on the public streets.”

·         “I do my best to love everybody”

·         Judge Taylor when Mayella questions the way Atticus is speaking – “He’s not trying to mock you, he’s trying to be polite.”

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Scout Finch

·         “He ain’t company Cal, he’s just a Cunningham”

·         “I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks.”

·         “…except possibly algebra”

·         “******” to “*****”

·         “I slipped my hand in the crook of his arm”

·         “Well, it'd be sort of like shootin' a mockingbird, wouldn't it?”

·         “It was the first time I ever walked away from a fight”

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Jem Finch

·        “In all his life Jem had never declined a dare”

·         Scout was - “not to bother him at school”

·         'It was Jem’s turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears.’

·         “We ought to do away with juries”

“…becoming almost as good as Atticus as making you feel right” – when things were wrong

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·         Calpurnia had more grammar than most coloured folks”

·         Atticus on Calpurnia – “couldn’t operate a single day without Cal”

·         “faithful member” – of the family

·         “rarely commented on the ways of white people”

·         Hand – “as wide as a bed slat and twice as hard”

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Dill (Charles Baker Harris)

·         Seen by Scout as - “a curiosity” / “a pocket merlin”

·         “I think I’ll be a clown when I get grown”

·         “dreamy head”

·         Family – “Wasn’t interested in me”

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Tom Robinson

·         A quiet, respectable, humble *****.’

·         ‘He likened Tom’s death to the senseless slaughter of a Mockingbird’

·         ‘Tom was tired of taking white men’s chances and preferred to take his own.’

·         “felt sorry for her”

“…Mr Ewell didn’t seem to help her none

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Boo Radley

·         “malevolent phantom”

·         “legend”

·         “I’ve seen his tracks” – treated as animalistic

·         Scout comments on how Atticus says you never really understand a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them – “Atticus was right. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough”

·         Scout – “gently released my hand…I never saw him again”

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Aunt Alexandra

·         “malevolent phantom”

·         “legend”

·         “I’ve seen his tracks” – treated as animalistic

·         Scout comments on how Atticus says you never really understand a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them – “Atticus was right. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough”

·         Scout – “gently released my hand…I never saw him again”

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Maudie Atkinson

·         “chameleon lady”

·         Scout and Jem – “our friend”

·         “loved everything that grew in God’s earth”

·         “She still took a lively and cordial interest in Jem’s and my affairs”

·         Dislikes how the town come to watch – “a poor devil on trial for his life”

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Bob Ewell

·         “Disgrace of Maycomb”

·         “Lived like animals”

·         “…stale whiskey”

·         Trial makes him “look like a fool”

·         “trash”

·         “fired…for laziness”

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Mayella Ewell

·         Mayella looked as if she tried to keep clean, and I was reminded of the red geraniums.’

·         “Mayella must have been the loneliest person in the world”

·         “…lonelier than Boo Radley”

·         “What her father does to her doesn’t count”

·         “accustomed to strenuous labour”

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Mrs Dubose

·         “Meanest old women who ever lived”

·         Atticus – “The bravest person I ever knew”

·         “she died beholden to nothing and nobody”

·         “…horrible” / “We could do nothing to please her”

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The Cunninghams

·         “The Cunningham’s never took anything they can’t pay back”

·         Once you earn their respect - ”they were for you tooth and nail”

·         Mr Cunningham is basically a good man – “he just has his blind spots”

·         “Crash hit them hardest”

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·         Church – “Maycomb’s principal recreation”

·         Stephanie Crawford – “the neighbourhood scold”

·         “An old town, but it was a tired old town when I first knew it”

·         “…nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb”

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·         Atticus – “Shoot all the bluejays you want…it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”

·         Miss Maudie Atkinson – “Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but . . . sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird

·         Mr Underwood – “the senseless slaughter of songbirds”

·         Scout on hurting Boo Radley – “would be like shootin’ a mockingbird”

·         Finch is a type of bird, the Finches are particularly vulnerable

·         Mockingbirds = Tom Robinson, Mayella Ewell, Boo Radley, Dolphus Raymond

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