To Kill a Mockingbird

A quick guide to the plot of To Kill a Mockingbird along with notes on the characters, themes and issues raised in the novel.


Plot Summary

The novel opens with the summer that Dill first comes to Maycomb to spend the summer with his aunt, Miss Rachel. At this point in the novel, Scout is nearly 6 and Jem is nearly 10 as he is four years her senior. Their father Atticus is acceptable and their lives are easy with Jem going to school and Scout about to start. In the summer, they have the idea of trying to make Boo Radley come out due to Dill's curiosity and then begin to enact a Boo Radley play based on the superstition and gossip they have been subjected to in the neighbourhood circles of Miss Stephanie Crawford.

Once Scout starts school, she "starts off on the wrong foot" by being disciplined by Miss Caroline in trying to explain why Walter Cunningham doesn't have any money as he is from a poor farming family who don't take what they cannot give back; we see in Walter Cunningham (senior) paying Atticus in hickory nuts as he tries to deal with his entailment that they are proud though they have little.

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Plot Summary

The novel opens with the summer that Dill first comes to Maycomb to spend the summer with his aunt, Miss Rachel. At this point in the novel, Scout is nearly 6 and Jem is nearly 10 as he is four years her senior. Their father Atticus is acceptable and their lives are easy with Jem going to school and Scout about to start. In the summer, they have the idea of trying to make Boo Radley come out due to Dill's curiosity and then begin to enact a Boo Radley play based on the superstition and gossip they have been subjected to in the neighbourhood circles of Miss Stephanie Crawford.

Once Scout starts school, she "starts off on the wrong foot" by being disciplined by Miss Caroline in trying to explain why Walter Cunningham doesn't have any money as he is from a poor farming family who don't take what they cannot give back; we see in Walter Cunningham (senior) paying Atticus in hickory nuts as he tries to deal with his entailment that they are proud though they have little.

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