Threats to Henry: Perkin Warbeck & Lambert Simnel


Lambert Simnel 1486-87

Simnel was a 10 year old boy, Richard Symonds (priest), decided to train him to impersonate Richard of York (younger Prince). Simnel ended up impersonating Warwick.

Simnel taken to Ireland by Symonds, proclaimed Simnel as Edward IV by Lord Kildare and Irish nobles. Margaret of Burgundy sent money and 2000 troops to support Simnel. Simnel crowned as Edward Vi in Dublin May 1487.

The Battle of Stoke 16th June 1487
Army from Ireland landed in Lancashire. Simnel received less support than expected. King met rebels outside of Newark. 12,000 troops, Ireland 8000. 

Simnel and Symonds both captured. Simnel made a turnspit in the royal kitchen and promoted to King's falconer for good service.  

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Perkin Warbeck 1491-99

Warbeck arrived in Ireland, claimed to be Richard, Duke of York (younger brother). Henry sent small army to Ireland, Warbeck failed to win support and fled to France. 

Treaty of Etaples- Warbeck flee to Flanders, sheltered by Margaret of Burgundy. Henry placed an English cloth embargo with Burgundy. 

1494, Warbeck backed by Maximillian (Holy Roman Emperor). Recognised Warbeck as Richard IV. 

1495- Warbeck attempted invasion of England, Henry's force dealt with it. Sir William Stanley executed as a traitor. 

Scotland- shelter, money and a royal wife from James IV

1496- Failed invasion

July 1497- not welcome in Scotland, failed invasion of England again... Sought sanctuary In Hampshire

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