Theory of Planned behaviour


The theory of planned behaviour

A person decision to engage in addictive behaviour or attempt to quit is all down to their intentions around the behaviour. Intention will be influenced by….

Attitude to the behaviour:

Consideration of whether the consequences of the behaviour are positive or negative, also do they really want to change

Social Norms:

What significant others and society think about the behaviour, also how much the individual cares about the opinion

Perceived behavioural control:

Does the person believe they can do it

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  • Meta analyses have shown that TPB id good at understanding people’s behaviour.

  • Model can predict behaviour intention than actually change

  • Model is too rational, it doesn’t take into account emotions and compulsive behaviour

  • When the people fill out the questionnaire, they may of not anticipated the emotional changes that could of influenced there behaviour.

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useful model evidence

Godin Et Al (1992) collected data about smoking behaviour using interviews and self-report questionnaires

• They followed up participants 6 months later

• The most important predictor for whether people continued smoking was a lowperceived control over smoking

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