themes in Macbeth

  • Created by: AHeath
  • Created on: 05-04-18 14:40

Fate and free will

- all the prophecies come true but in a way you wouldn' t think - the witches speak in riddles as in act 4 scene 1 the witches say "none of a woman born shall harm Macbeth"- they taunt Macbeth with what he wants to hear but don't actually tell him his fate.

-Macbeth's faith in the witches intensifies when he is crowned thane of cawdor as that was one of the prophecies. this then leads to him planning to become king which, then leads to his plan to murder Duncan.

- the witches plant the ideas into Macbeth's head but are not responsible for his fate as Lady Macbeth is the one who persuades him to kill Duncan. in act 1 scene 5 lady Macbeth says to Macbeth " look like th'innocent flower but be the serpant under't"

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-Duncan has power but uses it for good. this is shown as everyone likes Duncan as he is kind and cares for his people. 

-Macbeth uses his power for the worse as he commits the murder of Duncan and sends murderers to kill Banquo and fleance and Macduff's family.

- However, niether Macbeth or Duncan display the perfect monach as they both have a violent element to their characters.  

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- lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to kill Duncan by insulting his manhood as n act 1 scene 7 she says "when you durst do it, then you were a man"- she s pressuring him and saying he can prove his manhood by murdering Duncan.

- Lady Macbeth also insults Macbeth when she says that Macbeth is "full of the milk of human kindness"- this is her suggesting that Macbeth is too soft and doesn't believe he will be able to commit the murder. She is also defining manhood as being brave and violent.- act 1 scene 5

- in act 1 scene 5 lady Macbeth calls on evil spirits to "unsex me here" this is lady Macbeth asking the spirits to take her femenine features away to make her stronger.

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versions of reality

- in act 1 scene 1 the witches say "fair is foul,and foul is fair"- this is the witches cntradicting themselves and saying that everything good that is gained is gained foully.

- in act 1 scene 3 Macbeth says to the witches " stay you imperfect speakers" - this shows that he is curious n the supernaural.

- in act 3 scene 4 Macbeth sees Banquo's ghst and says "never shake thy gory locks at me"- this shows Macbeth expressing the guilt he feels for Banquo's murder. In addition to this he also has hallucinations before he kills Duncan as he sees a dagger in act 2 scene 1 he says " Is this a dagger i see before me"

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the supernatural

- Macbeth is disgusted when he first sees the witches as in act 1 scene 3 he says "speak if you can: what are you?"- Macbeth doesnt know what they are but he knows that they aren't human and are supernatural.

-Banquo doesnt understand the witches and mocks them "look not like th'inhabitants o'earth"

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-Macbeth and Lady Macbeth both want Macbeth to be king however at first Macbeth isn't sure but Lady Macbeth's ruthlessness persuades him.

-Macbeths ambition leads to him becoming evil which makes Macbeth more determind.

-Lady Macbeths ambition leads to her going mad which then leads to her suicide.

- Macbeth becomes a tyrant and loses the support of his friends.

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