Theme 1


Norfolk Broads, East Anglia


Situated in Eastern England. Lie close to three of Norfolks main rivers and are near the coast.


The remains of old peat workings. They were abandoned when sea level rose and flooded the area. Many of the broads are linked by natural streams but some are artificially joined.

The Norfolk Broads are a wetland environment. It is home to many creatures and plants. It has 3 principles : natural history, tourism and agriculture. These need management.

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Agriculture - grazing of cattle, use of fertilizers + draining of marshes. (Farmers)

Eutrophication - Fertilisatoin of water a as a result of too many nutrients. Algae and other plants can block sunlight from the water, leading to reduction of water plants that put oxygen in the water. this means that fish and aquatic life die.

Fresh Water - The broads rely on the regular from of fresh water. This however has been reduced by demands for irrigation and for public water supply. Lower river levels can lead to inflows of salt water which threatens the freshwater ecosystem.


Tourist Boats - Power boats, barges and yachts create wash. Wash leads to bank erosion.

Anglers - Lead pollution from the weights used by anglers is poisonous to invertebrates, plants and animals. Lead weights have also injured swans that swallow them accidentally.

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