Theme A

  • Created by: Aisha
  • Created on: 13-12-17 18:06

What is community?

A community is group of people living together in a same area and they have something in common.

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What could community be?

Community coulld be: - religion, culture, area, ethnicity ( backgroud), belief, language, tradinations, clothes, food and music etc.

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Why there might you belong to different communitie

You could belong to different communities because there are lots of things which made you who you are such as where you live, where you came from, your language, religion and culture etc. There are lots of people who might have some similaraties about who you are, for example religion. So because there are somethings which have in common with other people, that mean as you're a group; you would be a community.

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What is diverse?

showing a great deal of variety; very different. It could be different skin colour, religion and ages etc, living together. 

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What is emigration?

To leave your own country in order to settle permantly in another. Moving out from a country to another.

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What is immigration?

It is to come to live permanently in a foreign country. 

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Give five reasons why people emigrate and why?

1. For better lifestyle: This mean they could live better life and have higher life expentancy. For example there might be more leisure time and better standard of living.

2. Education: To have good and free education so that they could have good jobs and also they could be educated. 

3. War: People might move out because there is a war going on their country, they move out so they and their family would have longer life expentancy.

4. Hospital/ NHS: If they are ill, they can go to the hopitals for treatment etc. And there would be more change for them to live after being so sick.

5. Jobs: To have better jobs and more paid jobs.

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Give four problems with immigration.

1. Too many people equal less jobs and educations etc.

2. Could lead to racism and ignorance.

3. Overpopulation

4. Put pressure on the economy

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Give four advantages of immigration

1. To experience new things ( such as food)

2. Unwanted jobs will be filled ( such as cleaning, doctors and enginers) 

3. Leads stranger economy

4. Lead more diverse country

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