The Flower Industry (Kenya)

Cash Crops: crops grown only to sell at market. Basicly they are crops specifically for business.

Subsistence Crops: growing enough to feed your family and survive in life. (just making enough to live on.)


The Flower Industry (Kenya)


Cash Crops: crops grown only to sell at market. Basicly the yield (crop) is specifically grown for business. 

eg tobacco, coffee and flowers

Subsistence Crops: growing enough to feed your family and to survive day to day life. (living on just enough to support your family.)    

eg veg and cereals         


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Geography answering questions -tips and tricks


Explain why sea level is expected to rise? (3 marks)

3 marks= 3 points

  • Reason is global warming
  • give example, eg melting of ice caps
  • case study detail = Greenland ice sheet, key dates, facts, figures


Explain how a volcano forms

  • Reason is collision of two plates they are both the same type so they meet head to head and buckle
  • Give example, eg 2 Composite volcano = occurs at destructive plate margin.
  • Shield volcano = at colliding plates
  • Case study detail Mt St Helen's - 
  • facts and figuresarea covered 230 sq miles  velocity 300 miles per hour
  • key dates Spring 1980 mini earthquake  . 1990 5.1 on richter scale
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