The Breathing System

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 22-04-08 20:52


When you breath in, your ribcage moves up and your diapragm down

When you breath out, your ribcage moves down and your diapragm up

RIBCAGE= protects organs in the thorax (upper half of your main body)

DIAPHRAGM= sheet of muscle which separates your thorax from your abdomen

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Where does the air go??

  • In through mouth
  • Down trachea
  • Down bronchi
  • Down bronchioles
  • Into alveoli (air sacs in the lungs)
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Alveoli are adapted really well for the diffusion of oxygen into the blood and the diffusion of waste carbon dioxide into the lungs for disposal.

  • Create a large surface area for diffusion (there are millions of alveoli in your lungs!)
  • Moist
  • Thin walls mean less distance for substances to travel
  • Very close to capillaries- good access to blood for diffusion
  • The movement of the blood and the constant breathing of the lungs keeps the concentration gradient high and so perfect for diffusion
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