The Alps: a case study

  • Created by: esme nias
  • Created on: 13-05-13 19:34

Uses of the Alps

The Alps have several uses including - 

FARMING - steep uplands are used for: farming goats that provide milk, cheese and meat, also to plant vineyards.

HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWERnarrow roads - dammed - HEP. It is also produced for locals, powering homes and businesses and also exported to towns and cities further away.

MINING - precious rocks and metals such as Gold and diamonds and useful rocks like copper ore and slate are found by digging huge pits. This is called open-cast mining. It makes money but causes more erosion and the chemicals used cause pollution in water.

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continued uses....

TOURISM - tourists use the alps for activities such as climbing and skiing and there are also villages built for the tourists. Scots pine trees are also an attraction.


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How do people adapt to problems in fold mountains?

LIMITED COMMUNICATIONS - networks of roads have been built which have made remote areas more accessible. These areas are now being exploited to provide materials for involved industries.

STEEP RELIEF - people have built ledges on the hillside. They are flat to help grow vines and are good for cattle grazing. They are also fast-flowing streams so are used for HEP. The steep slopes are used for skiing and for growing trees for things like fuel, building materials and for things like paper and furniture. 

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continued adaptations...

POOR SOILS - farmers put cattle on the hills instead of using the hills for farming. They farm down the valleys because there is water and better soils. The cattle fertilise the soil and sometimes people plant nitrogen-fixing grasses to help the soil. Lopping of tree and laying down green leaf manure also aids the improvement of soil.

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