The Tempest Revision

  • Created by: Dana
  • Created on: 10-02-17 10:14

Exam Questions

1. Discuss the following the passage from … exploring Shakespeare’s use of language and dramatic effects. (15 marks)

AO1 - Articulate informed, personal and creative responses to literary texts, using associated concepts and terminology, and coherent, accurate written expression.

AO5 - Explore literary texts informed by different interpretations.

2. Proposition statement (e.g. ‘The lovers are the chief source of hope’ )à Using your knowledge of the play as a whole, explain how far you agree with this view of The Tempest. Remember to support your answer with reference to different interpretations. (15 marks)

AO1 - Articulate informed, personal and creative responses to literary texts, using associated concepts and terminology, and coherent, accurate written expression.

AO2 - Analyse ways in which meanings are shaped in literary texts.

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Act 1

The play opens with a storm that is wrecking a ship at sea

On land, Prospero explains that he created the storm and Miranda urges him not to hurt anyone

Prospero explains the past and tells her that he was overthrown by his brother, Antonio

Ariel is summoned and reassures them that no one was hurt by taking Ferdinand from the ship and to Prospero

Miranda and Ferdinand fall in love

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Act 2

Antonio and Sebastian try to cheer up Alonso who fears that his son is dead

They talk about their clean and dry clothes (Prospero’s magic) and Gonzalo talks about Utopia

Ariel puts Alonso to sleep while Antonio urges Sebastian to kill Alonso and take the throne

They both draw their swords but Ariel wakes Alonso before he is killed

Trinculo meets Caliban, and Caliban thinks that Trinculo is a spirit that is sent to torture him

Stephano enters drunk, Stephano and Trinculo get Caliban so drunk that he believes that Stephano is a God

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Act 3

The scene opens with Ferdinand hauling logs to prove to Prospero that he loves Miranda

Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban run out of alcohol and so they talk about how Prospero tortures Caliban

They plot to steal Prospero’s magic and take over the island

Alonso and the others search for Ferdinand until they are exhausted

Ariel creates a feast with music for those who had searched for Caliban and then accuses Alonso, Antonio and Sebastian of deposing Prospero 12 years before

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Act 4

Prospero decides that Ferdinand has proven that he loves Miranda, so he calls on Greek goddesses to witness their marriage

Prospero has Ariel lay out clothes for Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo, and when they take the bait, invisible dogs bite them

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Act 5

Prospero has Ariel bring the King and his party to him, where he reveals himself as Prospero

Prospero praises Gonzalo and then scolds Alonso, but then forgives him

Alonso is repentant and their relationship is restored, they talk about his son and Prospero reveals that Ferdinand is alive

Prospero releases Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo and frees Ariel and plans to go back to Milan with the King and his friends

Epilogue – Prospero asks that audience’s forgiveness and their permission for him to leave the stage at the end of the play

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