The physical examination

  • Created by: orf61355
  • Created on: 21-01-18 12:46

Visual Examination

The G.P will look at the affected area on the patient

which could reveal conditions such as arthiritis (swelling and joint distortion) or rashes/ bruising

In some cases a diagnosis can be made through just the visual examination alone e.g looking at rash however it can also not.




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Use of stethoscope

A device which channels sounds via a small metal dish through connecting tubes.

It allows a G.P to identify abnormal noises from a p. body such as lungs, heart and chest

A stethoscope does not amplifiy


It does eliminate backround noise

If breathing appears noisy this could indicate an obstuction or fluid on lungs for example

A stethoscope can also be used when measuring blood pressure

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Palpation - (MASSAGE)

The feeling of a patients body using fingers/hands 

It is done to detect abnormalities in organs such as the abdomen 

Palpatation can determine size, shape, location, texture, firmness and joint movement

The GP may apply greater pressure to the subjected area to detect for pain -Here the GP will be watching the P. facial expressions to indiciate for pain.

Palpatation could indicate issues such as appendicitis or an anurism (artery inflamation)

If issue detected the GP would commonly refer p on for futher tests 

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Testing Reflexes

A GP will test a patients refleces to detect for any damage to nerve pathways 

The reflex tested is the patellar reflex (under the kneecap)

For the GP to do this the p. leg must be relaxed (can cross legs so leg soley supported by thigh)

GP taps joint with a rubber hammer

No reaction suggest nerve damage

testing relfexes can aid in detection of back pain

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Percussion (MUSIC)

The GP holds 1 or 2 fingers on the pateints back/chest/ boyd and with the other hand taps; whilst listening for a resulting sound

Percussion can be useful for assessing a persons lungs:

A hollow sound = lungs clear of fluid

A dull / muffled sound = fluid on lungs

Percussin coud indicate pneumonia / a lung infection 

A GP should never do this on the ribs, always on the intersections between them. 

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Measuring Blood Pressure

'A measure of the force that a persons heart uses to pump blood around the body'

Measured using electrical machine - a SPHYGOMOMOMETER

A cuff is placed above the elbow, inflating preventing blood flow - the air is then let out- letting blood back though. THE FIRST READING IS THE SYSTOLIC READING 

2 readings (sytolic always over diastolic)

  • Systolic - When the blood is pumped 
  • Diastolic - When the heart is resting

Measure in millimetres of mercury mmHg

Ideal bp = 90/60mmHg - 120/80mmHg

High bp = 140/90mmHg +  (hypertension)   (Coronary heart disease/ lifestyle)

Low bp = 90/60mmHg -   (hypoternsion)      (Dehydration/ heart failure)

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Measuring Temperature

Measured using a thermometre - digital or infared 

The GP will place thermometre in appropriate place (under tongue, ear, armpit, rectum)

Leave for 30 sec till reading 

Taking a persons temperature can be useful as it can determine a hypothermic state, a fever or normal temp.

Normal temp = 36.c -37.c anything out of this range can indicate a problem

Illness will cause a lowered or raised temp. - therefore indicating that the body is fighting some sort of disease.

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