The Organism in the Environment and Feeding Relationships

  • Created by: cxssii
  • Created on: 27-03-16 10:50


All the organisms of one species in a habitat.

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All the different species in a habitat.

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The place where an organism lives, e.g. a rocky shore or a field.

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All the organisms living in a particular area and all the non-living (abiotic) conditions, e.g. temperature, climate, soil type.

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Used to estimate population size.

Area - place 1m^2 quadrat on ground at random point. Count organisms. Multiply by total area of habitat. Sample not representative of population, sample size affects accuracy, do several points and make an average.

Distribution - mark out a line in area (transect). Collect data by placing quadrats next to each other along line.

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Make their own food using energy from the sun.

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Eat other organisms. If an organism is not eatan then it is a top carnivore.

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Break down dead material and waste.

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Number - show number of organisms at each stage of food chain. Not all are pyramid shaped.

Biomass - shows the mass of living material at each stage. Mostly all the right shape.

Energy - show the energy transferred to each trophic level. Always the right shape.

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Energy Transfer Along a Food Chain

The sun is the source of energy for nearly all life on earth. Plants use this energy to make food in photosynthesis. Not all energy that's available to the next organism is passed on - 90% is lost. Some parts of food aren't eaten so energy isn't taken in, bones or roots. Some parts are indigestible, fibre, so come out as waste. Lots of energy taken in used for respiration. Most of it lost as heat. Rest becomes biomass, it's stored or used for growth. This energy is transferred.

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