The Ontological Argument

  • Created by: Elena.S
  • Created on: 14-02-17 12:05

Define the Ontological Argument (5)

  • proof that God exists
  • define necessary: something which cannot be otherwise
  • idea of God includes necessity
  • therefore God must exist
  • inductive and a priori
  • P1: God is "that than which nothing greater can be conceived" (Anselm)
  • P2: God may exist either in the mind alone or in reality
  • P3: Somethig which exists in reality and in the mind is greeater than something that exists in the mind alone
    C: Therefore God must exist in reality and in the mind
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Arguments for (5)

  • Descartes: God is immutable (can't change/be different), God's nature is to exist (from necessity as concept of supremely perfect being), God without predicate of existence is illogical and so can't be doubted (self evident/analytic facts without empirical proof required)
    P1 - God is the supremely perfect being
    P2 - a supremely perfect being contains all supreme [erfections
    P3 - existence is supreme perfection
    C - therefore God as a supremely perfect being exists
    • Anselm: existence as predicate = "God exists" is true by definition
    • Leibniz: perfections must be simple/positive (cannot be defined in terms of negation by anything), compatible, self-contained and in one being, God fits since so by virtue of existence, he exists
  • Tillich: God is necessary whilst everything else depends on his existence so it's illogical to say God doesn't exist
  • Malcolm: God as greatest possible being + by definition, exists in Anselm's second ontological argument, first Ontological Argument requires necessary existence
  • Plantinga: possible worlds in which maximally great being exists in -> more great to exist in our world -> God as maximally greatest being must exist
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Arguments against (5)

  • Gaunilo: reductio ad absurdum; just bc one can image a perfect island doesn't mean it exists IRL, same with God, we can imagine him but he doesn't have to exist
  • Anselm: God isn't A perfect thing, he is THE perfect things bc he's necessary, islands are contingent and God as most perfect being is necessary since it's greater to be necessary rather than contingent
  • Gassendi: I can conceive of God without existence
  • all divine perfections entail each other: if God is omnipotent, he musn't depend on anything else to exist. Therefore necessary existence
  • Caterus: Descartes' argument only works IF God exists bc only IF God exists is he omnipotent. Interdependent perfcetions only show the concept of existence is part of the concept of God
  • that's it. We can't conceive of God without existence therefore he must exist
  • Kant: existence isn't a perfection bc it's not a predicate i.e a dog and a dog who exists is the same, doesn't add anything to it; predicate + concept can be separated (if God did exist, he would exist necessarily but doesn't prove existence)
    Hume: we can only know things through experience so anything a priori fails
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