The Nazi Rise


Nazis Appealed to Different Groups in Society

The Nazi Party was able to take advantage of the discontent and anger created by the Great Depression.

They promised a more prosperous and less humiliating future, which was very popular among the German people - by 1930, membership had gorwn to over 300,000.

1. After the onset of the Depression, the Nazi Party's popularity soared. Hitler's promise to make Germany great again appealed to the growing ranks of unemployed and young people who wanted a brighter future.

2. Some people also supported the Nazis' anti-communist and anti-Jewish views. They were useful scapegoats for Germany's economic problems and gave Germans someone to blame.

3. Some wealthy businessmen who had lost out in the Depression turned to the Nazi Party. They approved of their anti-communist stance and wanted the economic prosperity Hitler had promised.

The Nazi Party was well organised

  • The SA gave the party a military feel, made it seem organised and disciplined. His authority over the SA and head of Nazis made them seem strong compared to Weimar.
  • Propaganda was very efficient. Often focused on regional issues and targeted specific groups. Made individuals feel valued by the Nazis and stole votes from smaller parties.
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Hitler's Personality attracted Support

1. He was patriotic and energetic, and was able to effectively get across his enthusiasm to his supporters. His speeches brought hope to those who listened.

2.In the 1932 election campaigns, Hitler was depicted as Germany's saviour. He stood up to Weimar and opposed communism.

3. He came across as a strong leader creating a sharp contrast with the Weimar politicians. His authority over the SA and his undisputed role as head of the Nazi's attracted support - many Germans had now lost faith in democracy.

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