The Muscular System


Functions of the Musculo-Skeletal System




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Bones (skeleton)

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Skeletal Muscles

Voluntary muscles

Attached to bones of the skeleton

Muscles can contract and relax

Bring about movement of the skeleton

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Actions of Skeletal Muscles

Extensors – open a joint

Flexors – close a joint 

Adductors move a body part inwards

Abductors move a body part outwards 

Levators raise a body part 

Depressors lower a body part 

Contrictor (sphincter) close an opening

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Synovial Joint

Synovial membrane - secretes synovial fluid

Synovial fluid – lubricates the joint

Cartilage – smooth surface to end of bones and cushions joints

Tendons – joint muscles to bones

Ligaments – join bone to bone

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Types of Joint

Ball and socket - hips and shoulders

Hinge – elbow and knee

Pivot – head at the top of the spine

Gliding/sliding – wrist and ankles

Fixed – skull

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