The multi store model


Evaluation of the multi-store model

Strengths-Brain scans: Beardsly found that the prefronta;l cortex is active during STM but not LTM tasks. Squire et al found the hippocampus is active during LTM tasks

Case studies-HM=hippocampus removed (epilepsy)= no new LTM, personality + intellect still intact

Limitations- Too simple= a number of different stores for STM (WMM) and LTM

More than maintenence- Craik and Lockhart= how you process not maintenance (deep processing) Gave P's words to remember they had deep or shallow processing. =More words using deep processing were remembered

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WMM description

Central executive- Directys attention to particular tasks, limited capacity.

Phonological loop- Deals with auditary info, further subdiveded into phonological store (holds words heard) and the articulary process (Form of maintenence rehearsal)

Visuo spatial sketchpad-Used for planning a spatial task. Logie... Visual cache (form+colour) Inner scribe (spatial relations)

Episodic buffer (added for the need of a general store)- limited capacity, interrates info from the central exacutive, maintains a sense of time sequencing

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Evaluation of WMM (strengths)

Dual task performance-P's given a task. Task 1. A followed by B, AB true/false? Task 2. articulary loop (the the the the) or central executive (repeating random digits) =task 1 slower when it involved the articulary loop and central executive. Proves existence of the cetral executive

Evidence from brain damage- KF= ST forgetting (auditary) more than visual stimuli (=brain damage limited to the phonological loop)

SC=good learning, except for word pairs presented out loud(=damage to the phonological loop)

LH= good at spatial tasks, not visual imagery (=seperate visual and spatial systems)

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Evaluation of WMM (Limitations)

Central executive-To simple=more components, Basically 'attention'. EVR=good reasoning suggests intact central executive however he had poor decision making skills=not wholly intact

Brain damage evidence-Problems using brain damaged patients= trauma may change behaviour which can cause the individual to perform less well on certain tasks. Attention= some individuals may have difficulties paying attention, therefore underperforming on certain tasks

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Further evaluation-Phonological loop+articulary lo

Word length effect- people cope better with shorter words, longer words can't be rehearsed on the phonological loop as they don't fit

Word length effect dissapears if given an articulary suppression task e.g. repeating 'the'

This is evidence for the articulary loop

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