The merchant of venice themes



"Mislike me not for my complexion, the shadowed livery of the burished sun" Morocco

You call me a misbeliever,cutthroat dog, you spet upon my jewish gaberdin, fair sir, you spat on me on wednesday last, you spurned me such a day; another time, you called me dog; and for these courtesies ill lend you thus much money ?" Shylock to antonio

If he have the condition of a saint and the complexion of a devil, i had rather he should shrive me than wive me" portia about the prince of morocco

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"Why then you are in love." Solanio "fie, fie," antonio

"true madam. He, of all the men that ever my foolish eyes looked upon, was the best deserving a fair lady" nerissa

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" to you antonio, i owe the most in money and in love, from your love i have a warranty to unburden all my plots and purposes how to get clear of all the debts i owe... In belmont is a lady richly left, and she is fair, and, fairer than that word" bassanio

" my daughter, o my ducats, o my daughter! Fled with christian! O my christian ducats! Justice, the law, my ducats, and my daughter" salanio mocking shylock

" i'll have my bond. Speak not against my bond. I have sworn an oath that i will have my bond" shylock

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" first go with me to church and call me wife, then away to venice to your friend" portia

" happiest of all is that her gentle spirit commits itself to yours to be directed, as from her lord, her governor, her king. Myself, and what is mine, to you and yours is now converted." Portia

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" take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh, but in the cutting it, if thou dost shed one drop of blood, thy lands and goods are by the law of venice confiscate unto the state of venice" portia diguised as balthazar.

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