The Marriage of True Minds by William Shakespeare


Quatrain 1

  • 'marriage of true minds' - metaphor, soul mates, consonance of 'm' blends together the sentence -> creates harmony and emphasises ideas of union, emjambement, true love
  • '.' - caesura breaks the rhythm
  • 'alters when it alteration finds' - repetition ->love is constant and cannot be removed, love should be unconditional and not change
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Quatrain 2

  • 'O, no!' - caesura -> interjection
  • 'it is an ever fixed mark' - entended metaphor throughout quatrain 2
  • 'star' - love is fixed like a star, guids ships to their destination
  • 'bark' - ship -> symbolises relationships and love
  • 'his height' - personification
  • Navigational imagery throughout quatrain 2
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Quatrain 3

  • 'rosy lips and cheeks' - beauty of youth eventually fades, but love doesn't
  • 'sickle's compass come' - grim reaper, even death cannot alter love, alliteration of 'c' -> emphasises the shape of the curved sickle
  • 'Love alters not' - repetition, love is immortal
  • 'his brief hours' - personification
  • 'edge of doom' - love lasts for as long as the universe lasts, hyperbole -> persuade and convince the person he is addressing the sonnet to
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Whole Poem

  • 14 lines
  • 3 quatrains 
  • A rhyming couplet at the end - paradox statement -> he is confident in that what he is saying is true
  • 10 syllables per line
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