The Liberal Reforms


Whose study of poverty in 1901 found poverty

Seebohm Rowntree was the man who studied poverty in 1901.

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What proportion of the population were in poverty

28% of the population were in poverty

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Who introduced pensions in 1908?

Lloyd George is the man who introduced pensions in 1908

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What was set up in 1909 to help unemployed people

Labour exchanges were set up in 1909 to help unemployed people find work.

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how much was given a week for pensions

10s a week

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The National Insurance Act of 1911, Part 1, gave p

7s 6d a week 

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What did the Workers Compensation Act of 1906 rule

The Workers Compensation Act of 1906 ruled that workers injured at work were due compensation.

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What did the Children's Charter of 1908 introduce?

The Children's Charter of 1908 introduced borstals.

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Who got an eight-hour day in 1908?

Miners got an eight-hour day in 1908.

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Which of the following was not a result of the Lib

The Liberal Party being re-elected in 1910 with a huge majority was not a result of the Liberal reforms.

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