The Indian Mutiny


Consequences-The Army

The proportion of Indian sepoys in the Army were reduced by 40% and British troops were increased by 50% (the ratio went from 9:1 to 3:1). Recruitment of sepoys switched from the Hindu Brahmin to the more loyal areas of the Sihk Punjab and the Muslim north west. It was ensured adjacent regiments had different ethnic and religious backgrounds.

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Consequences-The Army

Troops were allowed to use whatever grease they preferred (the introduction of the breech loading rifle in 1867 made this type of cartridge obsolete).

The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 and the completion of the telegraph system made British reinforcement a quicker prospect if needed.

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Consequences- The Raj

In 1858 India passed into the direct rule of the British Crown.

If the aim of the Mutiny was to stop the British involvement in India, it had the reverse effect as it led to the creation of the British Raj.

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Consequences-British Reprisals

British reprisals were vicious and deliberately designed to strike fear into the peasant population. Entire villages suspected of mutineers support were massacred as were the Muhgal Emperor's sons.

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