The imperfect tense


What is the imperfect tense

The imperfect tense is a tense that happend in the past when you want to say 'I used to do something' 

For example

I used to swim every moring

I never used to play sport

I used to be shy

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How to congugate

Remove the infinitive er, ir, or re 

Add the following endings

je--- AIS






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Jouer = To play

remove invinitive= Jou

Add appropiate endings 

Je jouais---- I was playing

Tu jouais---- You were playing

Il/Elle/ jouait---- He/She/ was playing

Nous jouions---- We were playing

Vous jouiez---- You were playing

Ils/Elles jouaient---- They were playing

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Irregulars- Etre

The stem (without the infinitive) it Et 


Tu Etais

Il/Elle etait

Nous Etions

Vous Etiez

Ils/Elles Etaient

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Example- Avoir

The stem of avoir is Av 


Tu Avais

Il/Elle Avait

Nous Avions

Vous Avaiez

Ils/Elles Avaient

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Example - Faire

The stem of Faire is Fais

Je Faisais

Tu Faisais

Il/Ele Faisait

Nous Faisions 

Vous Faisiez

Ils/Elles Faisaient

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Example sentences

J'allais a l'ecole tous le jours quand j'etais plus jeune.

I used to go to school everyday when I was younger.

je n'avais pa beaucoup de devoirs et j'avais tourjours du temps pour me relaxer

I didnt used to get alot of homeworl and i used to have a lot of time for relaxing

Je faisais du sport regulierement

I used to do sport regularly

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